Page 580 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                                                 TABLE No. 23.
                       Table thoicing the Total Value of all Arlielet exported from, and imported to, Bahrain to
                                and from Foreign Countries during the gear11887 and 1889.

                                                          Exfobts.          Impost*.
                                                       1888.    1887.    1888.    1887.

                                                        R        R        R        R
                     British India and Colonics   •   •  84,15,400  27,90,000  27,48,870  25,08,060
                    Turkey .............................................................  12,71,680  11,54.990  11,58,570  10,34,070
                    Maritime States on the Arab Coast of the
                      Persian Gulf .   .   •   •   •  2,74,870  2,70,010  3,86,470  8,29,650
                     Persian Ports and Mekran   •   •   .  1/7,090  2,05,420  5,18,560  5,83.000
                     Muscat and Dependencies   •   •   43,700   44,500    45,250   45,200
                     Zanzibar........................................... ..........  13,100  18,150  40,460  21,100

                                           Total     52,05,840  44,83,070  4S,9S,180  44,71,080

                                                 TABLE No. 23.
                                 Return of Shipping cl the Pori of Bahrain in the year 18SS.

                                                  SUUNG.        Smv.           Total.
                            Nationalitt.       No. of        No. of         No. of
                                               Vessel*.  Ton*.  Vessels.  Tons.  Vessels.  Tons.

                     British .                    25   1,320    48  46,608    73   47,928
                     Arab .                      365  10,541                  365  10.541
                     Persian ,                   146   3,744                  146   3,7-44
                     Turkish ,                   180   3,592                  130   3,5?*
                     Others .                     8     224      1   2,500     9   2,724

                                    Total        674  19,421    49  49,108   723   68,529
                     Total foe the telle preceding ,  994  28,826  53  74,969  1,047  1,03,705


                                                 Sailing.       Steam.         Total.
                                               No. of   Tons.  Ho. of   Ton.  No. of   Tons.
                                              Vessels.       Vessels.      Vessels.
                     British •                    25   1,320    48  46,608     73  47,928
                     Arab •                      365  10,641          • ••    365  10,541
                     Persian .                   146   3,744          • o«    146   8,744
                     Turkish .                   130   3,592          • ••    130   8,592
                     Others •                      8    224      1   2,500      9   2,724
                                    Total        674  10,421    49  49,108    723  68/129
                     Total for the tzar preceding .  996  29,653  63  74,969  1,049  1,04,622
   575   576   577   578   579   580   581   582   583   584   585