Page 591 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 591


           Contrasted Statement ehowing the Value and Description of Qoodt imported into ifneent.
                              Estimate FOE TH1 TEAK 1888-89.

                                          Fos tub Orncixt Yeai
                                                             Increaso In   DecreiM in
                        AstlOLSS.                             1888-89.  1888-89.
                                           1887-88.  1888.89.
                                           Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  DdlUfe.
             Rice, Bengal                   630,000  500,000            80)000
              „ Malabar                       1,200    1,600     800     in
                 Red                          1,400    1,800               100
             Wheat .                         10,000   12,000    2,000
             Bajreo .   .   .                  250      250    • • t     ...
             Jowaree •                       8,000     7.000             1)000
             Dhall .                          1,000    1,100     100
             Sugar .                         53,000   65,000    2,000    • • •
              ,, Candy .   .                  1,300    1.000              300
             Jaggree                           250      800       50     • ••
             Coffee .                       40,000    60,000   10,000    • ••
             Tea                               250      200    • ••        50
             Pepper .                        2,200     2,500     800     ...
             Turmerio                        1,800     1,400     100
             Cardamoms •   .                 1,200     1,200             ...
             Cinnamon .                      2,400     2,500     100     ...'
             Ginger, dry .                     120      130       10
             Nutmegs .                         250      800       50
             Betelnuts                       1,100     1,000   • ••       100
             Cocoanuts, fresh                  600      400               100
                     dry                       900     1,000     100     SSI
             Tamarind .    .                 1,200     1,000              200
             Monkey nuts.   .                2,200     2,500     300     • ••
             Musk •                          8,000     5,000   • ••      3,000
             Aloe's wood .                   5,000     5,000
             Frankincense                    2,800     2,500     200
             Sandalwood chips .              1,300     1,200              100
             Camphor .     ,                   250      350      100     • ••
         4   Gooracco                          400      400    MS
         5   Cotton, damaged                 1,600     1,700'    10 O
                  cloth .   .
              I*                            190,000  200,000   10,000    ...
              „ blue .     ,                21,000    22,000    1,000
             Turkey, red .   .              28,000    20,000
             Handkerchiefs, coloured         2,000     1,600   • ••
             Chintz •                        8,000     7,500              600
             Twist ,                         18,000   19.000    1,000
             Cotton yarns .                 20,000    16.000             5,000
             Broadcloth .                      500      400    Ml          100
             Shawls and loongies               700      600    • M        loo
             Silk «                          15,000   17,000    2,000
             Silk good*                      4.500    4.000    • ••       500
             Gold thread .   .>              3.500     3.000   • ••        500
             Hemp .                          2,100     2,500     400
             Twine .                           150      200       50‘    • ••
             Gunnies                         1,000     2,000    1,000'
             Rope, coir                        700      700
             Copper .                         4,200    4,600   • it 300  •A'
             Tin and lead .                   1,800    2,000     200     ...'
             Steel .                           860      500      150
             Brass .                           500      400              • ••*
             Ironware                         1,900    2,000    • ft 100   10b
             Dyes .    • #                     750      700              ...*  SO
             Indigo .                          650      400
             Oil, sweet and ooooanut         11,000   13.000    2,000      250
             „ kerosine ,                    14,000   14.000         )   ...•
             Candles   •   .•                  160      170
             Oilseeds   .   ,                  150      180     “s       ...
             Gaoja (flax seeds)  .             600      600          l
             Sulphur   a                       850      400     «• . .   ...
   586   587   588   589   590   591   592   593   594   595   596