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                 Colonel E. C. ROSS, C.8.L,
                              Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, and
                                        Her Majesty's Consul-General for Pars,

                 W. J. CUNINGHAJI, Esq., C.8.,
                             Officiating Secretary to the Government of India,
                                                          Foreign Department.

                                                  Btjshire, the 23rd June 1890.

               I have the honour to submit the Annual Administration Report of this
         Residency for the year 1SS9-90, arranged as under:

                   Part I.—General Summary.
                        Appendix A.—Genealogical Table of Chief Arab Families of Persian
                            „   11.—Table of Eliyat tribes of South-Western and Central
                           »    C. —Notes on Cholera in Persia, by S urgeon-Major T. Ffrench
                                D. —Meteorological Tables.
                  Past II.—Resume of Muscat Affairs, by Sargeon-Ma^or A SI G. Jayakar.
                   „ III.—Trade Report of Persian Golf for 1829.
                        Appendix A—Tabular Statistics.
                  Part IV.—Trade Report of Muscat
                        Appendix A—Tabular Statistics.
             2. Requesting to be supplied with the usual number of printed copies of
         this Report.

                                         I have the honour to be,

                                           Your most obedient servant,

                                                     E. C. ROSS, Colonel,
                                                Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
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