Page 82 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 82


                           7o          ADMINISTRATION RE TOST OP THE PERSIAN GULP POLITICAL

                                         Abstract Table showing the Total Estimated Value of the Principal and other
                                                                     From oilier •
                                                             From   European or
                                        Abticlbs.           .England.  American   From India.  From Jftvn.

                                                              Rs.      Rb.      Rs.      Ra.
                            LinBccd   •   •   •
                            Poppy   .
                            Quince   •   •   •
                            Sesame   •   •   •                                   1,600
                            Other sorts   •   •                                 • ••
                          Shake Fins                                            • ••
                          Shells, Mother-Of-Pearl
                          Silk, Raw  .                                           4,400
                            „ Manufactures of.                                   1,000

                            Capsicum •   •   •                                   2,000
                            Cardamoms                                            6.500    • ••
                            Cinnamon •   •   •                                   7,200
                            Cloves «
                            Ginger, Dry   •                                      6,400
                            Nutmegs •       •                 # t •               500
                            Pepper, Black  .   •                                16,200
                            Turmeric •   .   •                                  12,200
                            Other kinds-   •   •                                          • • •
                          Stationery •                                           2.500
                          Sugar-candy                                           11,400
                          Sugar, Crashed                      • ••
                            „ Loaf .                                            • ••      • • •
                            d • Soft •   •   •                • • •             45,800    • ••
                          Tallow ,      .   •                                    3,000
                          Tea •                               • ••               5,500
                          Tobacco                                               • ••      >•%
                          Tobacco, Manufactures of—
                            Cheroots and Cigars  .                              • ••      • ••
                            Snuff •     •   •                                      50     • ••
                            Other sorts

                          Timber and Wood                                       41,900    • • •
                            Planks o£ all kinds
                            Rafters •   • .                             • •     • •
                          Wax, Bees'                          • • •             • •
                          Wool                                                  • •       • ••
                          Woollen Goods—
                            Broadcloth   •   •   •   •                           4,200
                            Carpets and Rugs                                    • ••
                            Cloaks (Persian) •                                    500
                            Shawls •     •   .   •                               1,000
                            Other kinds   •   •   •   •
                          All other kinds not included above           • ••      8,710

                                                 Total        • ••     • ••  17,22,460    tM
                                                 Speoii     • *•••           20,16,000

                                     GRAND TOTAL He.          •••     . •••  87,38,460

                                                  The ftbori details have been furnished by tbs Residency Agent, Lingsh#
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87