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No. UO.

               Lieutenant-Colonel E. C. ROSS, O.S.I.,
                       Political Resident in the Persian Gulf and
                                   Her Majesty98 Consul-General for Fart,

               CHARLES GRANT, Esq., C.8.I.,
                       Secretary to the Government of India,
                                         Foreign Department, Simla.

                                  British Residency and Consulate General,
                                           Bushire, 17th July 1884.

               I have the honour to submit the Annual Administration Report of this
       Presidency for the year 1883-81, arranged as follows:—
              Pact I.—General Report
                  Appendix A Meteorological Tables.
              Part II.—Political Report by Lieutenant-Colonel S. B. Miles, Political Agent at
                  Appendix A. Biographical Sketch of Seyyid Sa'ccd-bin-Sultan, known as tbe
                         Imam of Muscat.
              Part III.—-Trade of Persian Golf, 1883.           #
                  Appendix A. Tabular Statistic* compiled by Mr. G. Lucas.
                 Appendix B. Supplementary Notes on Culture and Care of Date Trees and Fruit,
                         by Assistant Surgeon A. R. Hakeem, Khan Bahadur.
              Part IV.—Trade of Muscat

           2. I would draw attention to Lieutenant-Colonel Miles' historical sketch,
       which is very ably and industriously compiled from French and English docu­
       ments, aided by local oral information. This paper has permanent value, and
       I should be glad to have some printed copies of it in a separate form, besides
       the usual number of copies of the complete Administration Report and separate
       copies of the Trade Reports.

                                    I have the honour to be,
                                       Your most obedient servant,

                                          E. 0. ROSS, Lieutenant-Colonel,
                                              Politioal Resident, Persian Guff,
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