P. 154
Persian Coast.
The districts ami Governments of the Persian Littoral from Moham-
incrah to Jask are as follows:—
(a.)—From Mohammcrali to near Bunder Dclam forms portion of
the Province of Arabistan.
(b.)—Thence to near Bunder Big is under Behbehan.
(c.)—Southwards to Deyyir is in the Government of Bushire.
(,].)—The coast from Deyyir to Nakhccloo, with the Islands of
Sheikh Slioaib and Ilinderabi is under Sheikh Mazkoor.
(c.)—Clieeroo, Kalat-Charck, the island of Kais, have petty Chiefs
under the Government of Lar.
(j\)—Lin gall and its dependent districts extends eastward to Khamir,
and is under the young Arab Sheikh Ali bin Khaleefah.
(g.)—Government of Bunder Abbass including Jcziret-et-Tawilah
or Kishm, and the islands of Ilenjam, Larek, and Ormuz. This dis
trict extends to Jask. The Governor during the past year has been
Ahmed Shah, but it is reported that Ilajee Ahmed Khan is to be re
During the year the Government of Bushire has twice changed
bands. Prince Assad-oollali Mirza having resigned in consequence of
the recall of 11 is ltoyal Highness the Ilissain-es-Sultnnch from Shiraz.
Abdul Hussein Khan Sirteep was appointed, but failed in the
administration and was removed. The present Governor, the “ Saad-ul-
Mulk,” was then appointed ; and has since been engaged collecting
revenues in the districts with the assistance of a force of infantry and
Some trouble and confusion occurred in Bushire from the prolonged
absence of competent authorities, but on the whole affairs connected with
British interests have received satisfactory treatment.
Along the whole coast no cases have occurred demanding special
notice, and in all cases when it has been necessary to complain of irregu
lar proceedings on the part of the petty Sheikh*, tin promptest and most
cordial attention and assistance has been accorded by His Excellency the
Firinau-Firma, the present Governor-General of Fare.
Some ill-feeling had sprung up between the inhabitants of our
station and the neighbouring villages, and complaints reached me against
the Sheikh of Kishin who was thought to encourage petty annoyances.
I therefore paid a special visit to Kishm during my last tour, and the
complaints and counter-complaints having beou discussed and arranged,
no further trouble has arisen.
The Assistant Surgeon, Alulur Rahim, who is in charge of the
station, has during this j^riod as previously, performed his duties entirely
to my satisfaction. 1
The health of the station has been good. The pier has been repaired,
and is now in a serviceable condition. The houses have also been
cared for.