P. 251
and Muscat political AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 1870-77. 3
The vicinity of Odaid to the Turkish possessions on ’the Outtur Coast is
productive of some difficulty in obtaining redress for these irregularities,
owing to a suspicion that any movement on the part of the British
authorities might have the effect of inducing the Chief to place himself
‘ under the direct suzerainty of the Boric. There have, however, been
symptoms of late that the settlers themselves are tired of the unsatis
factory position they hold, and the last accounts justify a hope that a
reconciliation will he effected between the seceding Sheikh and the
Chief of Abu Zliabi, who has always claimed Odaid as an integral portion
of his territory.
G. These islands have enjoyed perfect tranquillity during the past
year. The balance of indemnity due to ihe sufferers by the attack on
Bahrein during the year 1SG9 has been paid up and settled.
7. A new pearl bank has been found north of the island, and
there is a general feeling that the efforts of the divers in this quarter
will result in pearls of very superior quality being discovered.
8. Fears have been entertained by the Chief that unless this loca
lity is carefully watched by the British men-of-war the confusion
caused by the assemblage of a large body of warlike and avaricious
Arabs might give rise to a general commotion which would endanger
public tranquillity. Warnings in due form have therefore been con
veyed to all the Chiefs and others concerned, and every precaution is
being taken to prevent a fracas, but much will depend upon the frequent
presence of a vessel of war upon or near the scene of operations.
4 .—Xcjd.
0. No further movements on the part of the Turkish Government
have been reported from Lahsah except the periodical reliefs of troops.
10. Abdullah biu Fysul still represents his family in Nejd.
11. This station has remained in tranquillity under the charge
of Assistant Surgeon, Abdur Rahim Hakim. The Coal Agent, Ilajee
Abbass, was dismissed in March 1877 by the Resident's order for
neglecting to attend to the Proclamations annually promulgated respect
ing slave-holding. ° ^
6.—Persian Coast.
' n ,Tlle,<listritt8 of Persia bordering on the Gulf have been
vL^ra ^ free from disorder. Some petty cases of wrecks sustained by
“l" -th' —
branded at n|r^*arCl1 V*76 ? ^rge bugla under British colors was
diatolv nn *cnJura\a dependency of the Island of Kislim, and imme»
was wnt t/>bfKreCC,Pi ofTIthe iQtelligence Her Majesty's Ship Arab
plundered sE?k.,, ^*r_ presence saved the vessel from being
from Kishm ♦ Sheikh of Kishra, who had sent a number of buglas
bugla to Kick • e,800110 ^ accident, did no more than tow the
tually however"1 JUt °f)cs °f benefiting by her subsequently. He even-
t t a deputation to Bushire to explain that his inten-