P. 324
76 administration report of the Persian gulf political residency
Part III,
FOR THE YEAR 1876-77.
jPolitical.—At the close of the last official year IIis Highness
Seyyid Toorkec, who had succeeded in re-establishing himself in power,
was engaged in negotiations with his brother, Scyyid Abdool Azeez, with
a view to the latter retiring from Oman on a suitable allowance, but all
the negotiations fell through, and 11 is Highness Scyyid Abdool Azeez,
who had comedown to Kuriyat to meet the Political Agent, and the Minis
ter, Scyyid Said returned to Semed, where lie still resides. Early in the
year His Highness took the bold step of seizing three Sheikhs of the
Hu Ifassan ami Al Wahibch tribes who had become notorious for their
intrigues, and were the cause of many of the disturbances and disorders
that had taken place of late, and confining them in the forts at Muscat
This was done at the instigation and with the co-operation of the lead
ing Sheikhs of their own tribes, who, jealous of the growing authority
and importance of their subordinates and rivals, were glad to seize the
opportunity of gutting rid of them under the Sultan's name and re
sponsibility. Hopes were entertained by many of Iiis Highness' well
wishers that this measure was the inauguration of a more vigorous line
of policy than had hitherto characterized Seyyid Toorkee's reign, but
these hopes were unfortunately destined to be dispelled.
In April Colonel Prideaux, who bad been appointed to officiate for
Colonel ltoss as Political Resident, Persian Gulf, visited Muscat cn route
to Du-hire, to make the arrjuaintance of His Highness Seyyid Toorkee.
'The following month Hi* Highness moved up to Rurka with Seyyid 13edr
bin Si if and a small detachment, in order to frustrate the schemes of
Seyyid Il-rabim bin Kais, who had been intriguing with the Governor
and garrison of that, fort to make it over to him. The Governor of
Rurka at this time was the son of the old Beni Kuwcyeh Sheikh Seif
Rin Hamcd, Governor of Soweyk, aud it was soon ascertained beyond a
doubt that His Highness' promptitude in the matter alone prevented
these two forts from falling into the hands of Scyyid Ibrahim. At the
same time IIis Highness took the opportunity of dismissing the Rem
Ruwcych garrison in the fort at Nakhl, which had come to be on bad
terms with the inhabitants, and replacing it by a Belooch force. In the
meantime His Highness Seyyid Abdool Azeez, having entertained the
hope of recovering the fortress at Scmail, left Semed and proceeded to
the Beni Ruwcych valley in the expection of enlisting the support of
that tribe in bis enterprise. The Beni Ruwcych however declined to
join him, and he was compelled to return to Semed. In June the Bu
Hassun and Al W ahihch tril>es assumed a threatening attitude against the
Sultan with the object of intimidating IIis Highness into releasing his
prisoners, but a firm stand having been taken against them, with the
threat of expulsion from Muscat, the movement subsided. The question
wan, however, very shortly after again urged on His Highness by Saleh
bin Ali, who took the matter up jKTsonally, and intimated to His High-
ness that he would be prepared to join the tribes in opposition if his
request for the release of the prisoners were not complied with. Seyyid
Toorkec being greatly apprehensive of losing the support of Sheikh Salehs