P. 416


                          10.—Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the
                      principal and other articles of trade exported from Bunder Abbass dur­
                      ing the year 1877.
                          17.—Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of
                      goods imported into Bunder Abbass during the year 1376-77.

                          IS.—Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of
                      goods exported from Bunder Abbass during the year 1376-77.
                          19. —Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the prin­
                      cipal and other articles of trade imported into Lingah during the
                      year 1377.
                          20. —Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the prin­
                      cipal and other articles of trade exported from Lingah during the
                      year 1377.
                          21. —Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of
                      goods imported into Lingah during the year 1376-77.
                          22. — Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of
                      goods exported from Lingah during the year 1S76-77.
                          23. —Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the prin­
                      cipal and other articles of trade imported iuto Bahrain during the
                      year 1377.
                           24. —Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the
                      principal and other articles of trade exported from Bahrain during the
                      year 1377.
                           23.—ContTask'd Statement showing the value and description of
                       goods imported into Bahrain during the year 1S76-77.
                           26. —Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of
                      goods exported from Bahrain during the year 1S76-77.

                           27. —Abstract Table shoving the total estimated value of the
                      principal and other articles of trade imported into the Arab Coast dur­
                       ing the year 1877.
                           28. —Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the prim*
                      cipol and other articles of trade exported from the Arab Coast during
                      the year 1877.
                           29. —Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of
                      goods imported into the Arab Coast during the year 1876-77.
                           80.—Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of
                       goods exported from the Arab Coast during the year 1376-77.
                           31.—Abstract Table showing the total value of Pearla and Treasure
                       exported to India from the Persian Gulf during the years 1875-76 and
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