P. 477
and muscat political agency for thb year 1877-78. 109
Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported
into Lingah, fyc.—(Concld.)
For tils years
Increaseiu Decrease In
1877* 1877.
1876. 1877.
Em. R*. JZs. Rju
Metals • •e 45,700 40.000 5,100
Millstones 8,700 1.500 2,200
Naval 8 to re • •• eee 6.500 6,500
oa ... ••• 16,600 21.000 4,200
Pearls 24,00,000 24,00,000
Perfumery 2,700 6,200 2,500
Porcelain and Cbinaware 6,500 9,000 2,500 • M«SS
Provision and oilman stores 1,39,450 82,700 56,750
Salt... ... ... 15.000 18,000 3,000 MM*.
Saltpetre •se 6,000 4,000 2,000
Seeds 33,670 7.600 26,170
Shark fins s*s 11,200 2,700 8,500
Shells (pearl) ... ••• 32.000 65.000 23,000
Silk and manufactures of 50.500 29,100 21,400
Spices eee 11,600 40.001 28,401 StMM
Sugar 80,300 60,200 20,100
Soap... eee 4,150 eee••• 4,150
Stationery eee 6,000 2000 2,800
Tallow eee eee 42,570 11.700 eeeeee 30.870
Tea ... eee eee Z200 1,600 •SS*M {,300
Tobacco eee 86.500 64.000 •••ess 22£00
Manufactures of eee 60 60
Timber and wood ee 61.700 62000 woo
Wax, bees eee eee WOO 3,000 WOO
Wool and manufactures of ... 61.700 7SJ000 26*800
All other kinds not Included above 293)0 £4*000 MMM tjaoo
Total ... 4300810 AU68JXI 4188*881 409,010
Specie .m •HIM fiUOOOO 800000 MtIM
Grand Total ,H «M 4W0010 44G4081 104W81 6*00810