P. 496

                    wero  fired by II. M/s S. Tcazer at Muscat and Muttrah with a view to
                    dislodge the enemy from their positions and discourage their attack
                    on the town. These measures had the desired effect, and dissen­
                    sions having broken out the coalition soon showed signs of collapse.
                    Sheikh Saleh endeavoured to conceal his discomfiture by an insolent
                    demand for §20,000 and the restoration of his own and Seyyid Ibrahim's
                    allowance, but by the advice of the Acting Political Agent these were
                    promptly rejected, and by the 21st the rebels had entirely dispersed and
                    disappeared from before the town, not, however, before they had plundered
                    and burnt everything within their reach and wantonly murdered several
                    women  and helpless Seedees. The loss to British subjects at their
                    hands was estimated at §15,173. After the retirement from Muscat
                    Sheikh Ilamood of the A1 Wahibch who had furnished a large part of
                    the rebel force seized upon the date groves at Bosher and threatened to
                    destroy them unless the sum of §2,500 was paid to him by His Highness.
                    This demand it was deemed advisable to comply with. Sheikh Saleh
                    on his return to El Sharkiyeb was indefatigable in his exertions to
                    organize a second coalition, but his efforts met with no success.
                        In July the Acting Political Agent proceeded to Soor in II.
                    M/s S. Tcazer and succeeded without difficulty in obtaining reparation
                    to the extent of §3,000 from the Jenebeh tribe for the plunder
                    of a banian at that town two years before.
                        In August Sho’kh I lamed bin Abdulla of the Beni Ruweyheh tribe,
                    a virulent enemy of S«*yyid Toorkoe, was murdered at Seined by Salim
                    bin llilal Al Bu Saidi in pursuance of a blood-feud.
                        In September Seyyid Abdool Azeez left Seined where he had
                    resided since the rupture with his brother, and proceeded to dwell with
                    the Beni Hu Hasem tribe at Jallaan. Disquieting rumours prevailed of
                    his intentions against Muscat, but nothing results!, as bis efforts to obtain
                    support from the tribes failed, and fears of further disturbances
                    gradually subsided.
                        The Political Resident, Persian Gulf, Colonel Ross, arrived at Muscat
                    in November on his way to Bushire. In Novemlier the Governor of
                    Sohar, Styyid Ikdr bin Seif, Ilis Highness* stanch friend and supporter,
                    having been induced to visit Muscat, was imprisoned in Fort Marani on
                    a charge of oppressing the inhabitants, and Ilis Highness’ eldest son
                    Mahomed was sent to replace him with Seyyid Ahmed bin Ilamad as
                      a{** Seyyid Redr was subsequently sent to Zanzibar. Scyyid
                    Wali. Seyyid Redr                                        ~   '*
                    Abdool Azeez has continued to reside in Jalaan ; further negotiations
                    carried on with a view to his retiring to India on a pension nave rwunw
                                                                pension have resulted
                    in failure, as Abdool Azeez has declined to quit Oman on any terms,
                     lie has since resumed his intrigues with Sheikh Saleh and the Sharkiyeh
                    tribes to organize a fresh cx]>cdition against Muscat, but the tribes have
                    s iowu no alacrity as yet in responding to his views, and the cocntry
                    generally continues to enjoy tranquillity.
                                          June Vlc Political Agent, Lieutenant-Colonel
                     bvMr'p J vl         R® on 6lx months* furlough, and was succeeded


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