P. 507

                    AND MUSCAT  POLITICAL AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 1877-78.
            Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported
                                      into Muscat.
                            Estimate for tiie year 1877-78.

                                          For tub official
                                                YE Am       Increase  Decrease
                           Class.                             in       in
              a                           187G-77.  1877-78.  1877-78.  1877-78.

                                         Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
                  Rice (Bengal) ...       321,000   360,000  36,000
                  Rice (Malabar)...         1,000    2,000    1,000
                  Rice (red)                  600    1,000      600
                  Bajrco                     250       200                60
                  Did        • ••             100      200      100
                  Sugar                    37,200    33,000             4,200
                  Sugar-candy ...             650      600       60
                  Jagree                      150      200       60
                  Coffee                   27,000    30,000   3,000
                  Tea                         60        60
                  Pepper     • ••           3,600    3,000               COO
                  Turmeric                  3.200    3.000               200
                  Spico                     6,000    7.000     1,000
                  Cinnamon                  1.200    1.000               200
                  Ginger (dry) ...            200      250       60
                  Nut mega'                   200      250       50
                  Cardamoms                 1,000    1,000
                  Betel nuts                  300      300
                  Cocoanuts (fresh)           210      300       CO
                  Cocoanuts (dry)             750      800       60
                  Tamarind                  1,000     1,600     600
                  3fonkey nuts ...            900     1,000     100
                  3Iualc                    2,500    2,000               500
                  Aloes wood                9,000    10,000    1,000
                  Frankincense ...          2,100    3,000      900
                  Sandal wood chips         1,200    1,600      300
                  Camphor                     176      200       26
                 Gooraccoo                    400      400
                  Cotton (damaged)           GOO       600               100
                  Cotton stuffs ...        194,000  200,000   6.009
                  Cotton cloth (blue)      19,000   20,000     1,000
                  Turkey red                6,000    6,000
                  Handkerchiefs coloured     700       800      100    • ••
                  Chintzes                 12,000   16,000    3.000    • ••
                  Twist                    66,000   60,000    4.000
                  Sewing cotton ...           40       200      160    • ••
                  Broadcloth                 760     1,000      250    • • •
                  Shawls and loongies       1,000    1,200      200
                  Silk                     37,500   30.000    • ••      7,600
                  Silk goods               14,000   12.000    • ••      2,000
                  Gold thread               1,000    1,000             • ••
                  Hemp       • ••           3,000   • 4,000   1,000    • ••
                 Twins                                 160      160    • ••
                 Gunny      • • ••           300      600       200
                 Rope (ooir)  •••    • ••    800     1,000      200    • M
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