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Kcrlchnb at Nahr Hashcm, and subterranean canals, flowing from the
Diz, irrigate a small portion of the country between that river and tho
Shatart, as the western branch of the Kanin from Sbushtcr to Banawdah
is called. Wheat and barley arc grown around the towns and villages,
and here and there on the banks of the rivers, and rice is cultivated in
the marshy districts of Hawaezah and Fclahiyah. The date-palm is
now almost confined to the banks of the Shat-ul-'Arab and the Karun
for the last six miles of its couric. Around Mahamrah and Kasbah,
near the mouth of the Shat-ul-'Arab, the groves are kept in good order,
but elsewhere the trees are dying of age and neglect. They are the
property of the Persian Government, and the Arabs who inhabit them
nave little interest in their welfare. The cultivator and his Shaikh are
aware that any appearance of prosperity would be followed by unduly
increased taxation, and they prefer to let decay take its course.
Govtntmsnf.—The appointment of Governor of Arabistdn is usually
held by a member of the Persian Royal family. The present bolder of
the office i9 Prince Hamzd Meerza, better known by his title of
Ilishmet-ud-Dowleh. The Prince's nominal residence ia Khorama-
bdd in the Luristan, but he is generally engaged for the greater part of
the year in collecting the revenue of Persian Arabia, with the aid of two
or three Fauj-es of Persian infantry and a contingent of Lur
The collection of revenue is the only function of Government which
the Prince Governor performs, all other matters being left to the discre
tion of Chiefs or Governors of the six districts, into which Persian
Arabia is divided. The revenue is of two kinds : “ diwan,99 which goes
to Tehran; and “ pislikasb," which the Prince Governor takes for himself.
The six districts, their present Chiefs, estimated population and the
revenue of both kinds which they pay this year are as follows
Prwnt Chiefs or Estimated
District. Governor*. Popa-auon. Rstxvcb.
Toman*. Toman*.
Mobamrab . Hnji Jabor Khan, 45,000 Dferfn . 23,000 33.000
Nwrat-ul-Molk. Pishkash . 10,000 }
Fclihijah . . Vacant . 30,000 Dfvran . 16,000 22.000
Pisbkaah . 6,000 }
Bum*. . Shaikh Jaberah 7JOOO Ww*n 9,000
Pisbkash :} 9,000
Shuibter . Meerza Abdul Wahab 22,000 Wwnn . 18,000
Kban. Pishksa • 4,000 } 22,000
Dvpnl, with
Kathcer Arab* } Hadsjatallah Kbaa . 30.000 DfwAn • 2^9?9 ^ 30,000
Pishkash •
6,000 )
Hawaezah • Mola Matlab . 33,000 Dfwfa • 14,000 21,000
Pisbkaab • 7.000 }
167,000 Tomans . 137,000