Page 105 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 105

4                      NEGLECTED ARABIA
                                 5. That as a means tu this end we hold up before the Church the ex.
                                    ample of the Arab convert, who frequently is called upon to ‘’leave all
                                    and follow Him.”

                                           Resolution on Amalgamation with the Board
                                 The Arabian Mission wishes to express tu the Board of Foreign Mi^iuiu
                                     its gratification that the amalgamation of the Mission with the CJcuenl
                                     Board has been consummated. We have every assurance that the
                                     traditions, aims and spirit of the Mission will be safeguarded at home
                                     and on the held, and on our part reiterate the concern that the wholi
                                     world for Christ shall be the program of the whole church.

                                        Resolutions on Retirement of Dk. and Mrs. Cantine
                                    The Arabian Mission has learned with great regret of the inability
                                  Ur. and Mrs. Cantine to return at the present time, and resolve,
                                     Thai lilt! Mission register ils uppreciulinu of Hie able, devoicd, anj
                                     iinsellihli service Dr. and Mrs. Canline have rendered in (lie fuuiulir*-
                                     of the Mission and in realizing the aims and ideals dial were (I**
                                     placed before it.
                                  2. That we also express our sense of loss in being deprived of their help,
                                     ful presence, their wise counsel, and their unfailing tact, both in oor
                                     meetings and in our work.
                                  3.  And that we ask for them many blessed experiences among it*
                                     churches and the friends at home, and trust that they may incra*
                                     ingly be used to keep our work and theirs in the hearts and inicrco
                                     sion of the supporters of our Mission.

                                  Note: The retirement of Ur. Cantine takes effect January 1, \tjyj
                                  according to the official action of the Board of Foreign Missions. Tt*’
                                  following minute was passed by the Board at its meeting in June,
                                  “1. That, in accordance with the request of Rev. ami Mrs. James Cams*
                                      and the recommendation of the Medical Adviser of the Board, ko
                                      and Mrs. James Cantine be given the status of ‘Missionary Kmcnua*
                                      with effect from January 1, 1027.
                                   2. That, in the event of Mrs. Cantine's health improving sufficient
                                      the way be left open for their return to active service in the fuu.^
                                      within the age limit of the Rules for Retirement.
                                   3.  That the Board enter upon its records this Minute of profound
                                      preciatiun of the missionary service of Ur. and Mrs. Cantine, ^
                                      only because of its length—extending over 38 years—but bccau* 4
                                      ils altogether unique character, involving patience and singular
                                      lion and notable ability in the great and difficult task of eslaUiki*.
                                      the Kingdom of Christ in the Moslem world.”
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