Page 155 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 155

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                                         NEGLECTED ARABIA                         15          r S
                                     WE ASK YOUR PRAYERS
                     j;qr TWO BELIEVERS who bear the brunt of hatred of Moslems               3
                   ground about them, especially in the summer when they are alone in the
                    tuiiuii.                                                                  c
                     FOR A YOUNG BEDOU who, though he has not- made an open
                    .^.Cession, is called by the Moslems “Servant of Christ.” He goes about   1
                    ihc bazaars selling tracts and Gospel portions.
                     FOR A YOUNG MAN, once a controversialist, very fanatical, who
                    for some time has been troubled about his soul. He had come to the         '5
                    point where he believed practically nothing of what was being taught him   1
                    Jn the Moslem School of Theology he was attending and.then began
                  r ictdintf the Gospel. Now he believes Christianity is true and Islam
                  •. utterly foul the IiuiuU of the lultcr still hold him.
                     FOR 1HREE GIRLS, two of-whom have expressed their desire to               E .
                  ! follow Christ. The third is much persecuted at home but her faith bears    \i
                    vj> under the test. She Joves to sing hymns and gets much comfort out      -I
                    of them.                                                                   5
                      FOR TEN MEN who have expressed their faith in the truth of
                    Christ’s teachings, some of whom are studying by themselves the teach-     I
                       of the Gospel, the others depending on the missionaries to help them
                    lo a belter understanding of the Word of God.
                      Fur many more who hunger and thirst after righteousness, but who          ,
                    dire not come out openly to seek it.                                       $
                      FOR THE LITTLE BAND OF BELIEVERS in Amarah who meet
                    ocry Saturday night for prayer and intercession. May the Lord richly       li
                    Uc» them and unite them in the bonds of prayer and love, and strengthen
                  ; tfecir faith and belief in the promises of their newly-found Saviour.


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