Page 55 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 55


                                NEGLECTED A KAMA                               {J

       Mylrea to that of any other doctor who came to Kuwait. This sneaks                     :
       «ll f.orut.he l5°Pu.lar,ty of the mission doctor and the satisfaction lie              I
       J.vcs in his attention to their needs. And we are glad to say that the work itself-has led to many evangelistic opportunities which can              1
                         SfoFE                   °f G°d’ Ch->-elf having
         Dr. Mylrea was ably assisted by Dr. Harrison, and the two of them                    I
       report a good piece of work done in operations performed and pat ent                   :
       .rented Dr Mylrea s time was taken up a great deal with the care of
       Miss Scardeheld who was so dangerously ill, but who has improved to
                                           trav'1 "omc",he UniKd S,M“

         Dr. Harrison, in addition to his part in the work in Kuwait, made a
       two  weeks tour of Deba. and reports a cordial reception and a busy                  •.


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                              INSIDE A KUWAIT MOSQUE
        »o weeks, full of dispensary treatments and operations. The occasion
       ^ his tour was the illness of Ahmed bin Derweesh, one of the prominent
       cad merchants of Sharka, who required an operation. We are glad to                         1
       rjvrt that the medical work as well as the evangelistic teachings of the
       oewe met with a hearty reception and incited many of the friends he
       ude there to express their eagerness to have a hospital established                        <
       arc sometime in the future.

        Statistical reports of the Men’s Medical Work-
                   New cases treated                         2,847
                  Total treatments .                        13,530                                 ;
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60