Page 81 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 81


                              NEGLECTED ARABIA                                7
      Someil, the enemies' country. He pointed out that we received ner-
      m.ssiun but not a real invitation, and that we should not go We re                    I
      sa as
      - 7“ “ th« “ re- ,The ■>“' "»™w ilh
      (he luggage, and donkeys for us, and we were just to start a 4/fJn
      ride when another dispatch rider appeared. Soon our fears weretllaTed                 ■
                                                                                            1 r-
      for it was a very special invitation from the Imam                    y                • r
        We took the road along the Wady bed. On eiiher side of this drv
      n»er bed are high black hills, the same as those of Muscat Here and                    l
      there are towns where the valley is wide or springs water the date
      prdens. But here too the drought of the last eight years is evident                   :

                                                                                             • *.


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                           PREPARING SHARK FINS AT SIB
      Hundreds of date trees are dead or dying. Many perennial streams are
      4rv and many people have moved away.
        Soineil is a beautiful place. It is one long stretch of date gardens, a
      ,alley perhaps ten miles long between the same black rocky hills. The                 , *
      dale trees here are as good as any I have ever seen in Arabia, their                  i '{
      •tardiness, their care, and their symmetrical planting, reminded me very              »
      such of the gardens of Aneiza in Nejd. Someil is one of the few towns
      ifcal lias not suffered by the years of drought. Its many small streams                    i
      a the Wady bed or springing from the rocks are perennial and as yet                   i. -
      bic >liu\vn no signs of diminution. It is this fact that makes Someil
      ikmust important town in Inland Oman at the present time.
        Wc were met at the large mosque on the outskirts of the town by                         \ • i
      5brikh Hilaal and at least a hundred men and boys, and after most                         ••
      (tfdial and warm greetings, were escorted to the house assigned to us.
      This house belonged to the Imam, had not been occupied for several                        »•
      jars, had the roof of two upstairs rooms caved in, and was in a general
      oitc of disrepair. It was, however, the largest and most central house                     i.
      nailable and after a good cleaning and some repairs to the inside stair­               :
      way, did very well.                                                                        t

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