Page 121 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 121
Sunday 7th [November]
On boat all day, really nothing to write about. Wrote quite a number of letters & played Bridge. No land in
sight - rather bored.
Monday 8th [November]
Arrived at Karachi in the evening after dark. Ghaus, the Indian contractor who is building the Palace & Sea
wall at Bahrain, came to meet us also the head customs clerk. Had dinner on board & then went up to the
town in Ghaus's car, with Pack, & to a cinema, rather depressing - Dante's Inferno, dreary performance, then
back to the ship where they were coaling, so we had to sleep with the porthole closed which made the cabin
very hot indeed. It seems a big place but couldnt see much at night.
Tuesday [9 November]