Page 130 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 130
Monday [13 December]
Started off in the office. Am having my hours from 8 till 2. Really everything seems to be in surprisingly
satisfactory order, no tiresome things have occurred while I was away. Put off going to see the Shaikh as it
was so stormy at sea. Drove out in the evening. Had a look at the plants which have been planted in the
public garden & I hope will grow well.
Tuesday [14 December]
Went over to call on the Shaikh in the afternoon at Muharraq. He seemed in very good form & pleased with
things. Did the trip in about 10 minutes in a sailing boat with a strong wind. Then back to the Spences tea
where we played Bridge. Parke came in the morning.
Wednesday 15th Dec.