Page 16 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 16
annoyed, the latter his sponging relations. Afterwards Daly, Mrs D & M joined me from the Queen's house where
they spent about half an hour. She received them with her mother who, according to M, is just like Mrs Bradhurst!
The Queen wore very gorgeous coloured silks & gold & silver embroidered net, heavy gold chain, rings & necklace of
gold set with rubies & turquoises, tea served out of a silver pot into gold china cups. She was very interested in M &
eyed her from head to foot also much interested to hear that I came from Sandown as she had been there during her
visit to England & lunched at the Ocean! She is coming shortly to Manama, & will like to call on M.
Daly & I called on old Sir Issa bin Khalifa, the Sheikh's father, who was deposed. He is an old man, over 80, as
obstinate as a mule, & very childish & frightfully conservative. Quite a venerable old party walking on with long stick.
He told Daly that though apparently fit he was really very sick, and he, Daly, had the only medicine. He meant that he
wanted more money from the state. Drank the usual coffee & then sprinkled with rose water & scented with
insense. Afterwards called on Sheikh Abdulla, Hamed's bad brother, a sly intelligent looking man with a jet black
beard. He gave us tea & coffee. Tea out of black ebony cups with gold handles which were given to him by King
Feisal of Iraq. Afterwards motored back, through very narrow streets & a crowded bazaar to the quay & back in the
launch to Manama. The men here wear the usual Arab dress, a long sort of cloak with full sleeves & some
embroidery on the neck, a white cloth, or coloured or an embroidered shawl over their heads bound by a circle of
camel hair. It is very becoming but gives them rather a wrapped up look. A mail in the evening, but mostly
newspapers, no weekly Times & no Nashs! from the south, via India. Letters dated 17th March, but the boat was
delayed six days so it should have been sooner. Very hot in the afternoon & evening. Dined out in the open. Took on
a "boy" as sort of general help at 15 rupees a month. Servants here are very expensive. The Spences came to tea &
some of the missionaries came to call.