Page 383 - Neglected Arabia (1911-1915)(Vol 1)
P. 383

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                                the prosperity of missionary work. The importance of this work,
                                its commendation by our Lord, and his command to pray for it to the
                                Lord of the harvest, would seem to justify this method and even to
                                make it necessary, regardless of any apparent prospect of results,          I
                                subjective or objective, or even of criticisms, friendly or otherwise.
                                I think, however, that results may be expected. Suffer an illustra­
                                tion, from my own experience. Some years since, I began in two               i
                                of the midweek meetings of the church, to pray regularly, and by
                                name, for two missionaries with whom the church was acquainted.
    •• •                        In a comparatively short time, most of those who pray in these prayer
                                meetings were praying regularly for missionaries and their work, and
                                perhaps half of them mentioned the two missionaries by name. This
                                condition still prevails.
                                                                                    M. B. Harrison'.

                                            A Parallel and Some People to Pray for.

                                    Suppose a taxicab were to ride up to a vacant house in your home
                                town and there should step out an individual with dress and com­
                                plexion and language that betokened a Chinese mandarin or a Hindu
                                pundit, with him a van loaded with strange looking boxes and bundles,
                        *       and with him also an individual, evidently a woman closely veiled
                                as to face, but with bare feet and huge anklets. Suppose they should
                                take possession of that house next to yours. You would be amused
                                perhaps, and at least mildly interested. Suppose then your strange
                                neighbor should take to going to and fro on some apparently mysteri­
                                ous business, how would he be treated? Well, if it were winter,
                                I am inclined to think boys would do what I once did to Hop Kee
                                the laundry man—they would snow-ball him. If after a few weeks
                                or months your Oriental neighbor would in rather broken English
                                invite you to a little store on Main Street where hung a sign designating
                                his stand as The Stairway, and showed you shelves and tables filled
                                with books and pamphlets setting forth the claims of Confucius or
                                Buddha, and if he then should set out to talk and argue and con­
                                vince, by that time you would begin to resent it and him. It he had
                                something you wanted, be it starch and flat-irons, or some acknowl­
                                edged sovereign remedy or undoubted medical or surgical skill, you
                                would take advantage of him and his shop, but you would always
                                resent his religious propaganda. His proper method of procedure
                                would be to secure an American of his faith from somewhere and
                                work through him, and keep himself in the background as much as

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