Page 284 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 284

262              Part VII—Chap. LVI.

                       received under circumstances thnt lead to ft supposition it in inconsistent with the Sheikh’s duty
                       to his immediftto superior, tho King of Porsia, tho ally of tho British Government. You will
                       at the same tirno assuro tho Sheikh that no displeasure is mixed with this proceeding which
                       is adopted merely from principles of action in such matters from which tho Government cannot
                          You will also bo pleased to inform tho 8hcilch|that with tho resolution this Government has
                       adopted to prosorve inviolate its friendship with tho King of Persia and which it is particularly
                       necoesary to observo at this moment, thero would bo a haznrd to him if any lottcr of h;s wero
                       opened and answored that had tho most distant allusion to tho proposition mado t«» you, for
                       it might, if information of it reached the Persian Government, expose him to its resentment,
                       and the Governor in Council could grant him no support, even by romonstrancc, without
                       incurring suspicions of having givon him encouragement.
                          Tho Governor in Council directs mo to add that no lotters should bo forwarded from tho
                       Sheikh of Bushire. or any other Persian Chief, tho contents of which you ore not acquaiutod
                       with, that you may be able to judgo of tho propriety of transmitting them.
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