Page 296 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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27*1            Part VII—Chap. LXIII.

                          added the pay subsequent to that date of tho establishment loft in charge of
                          the Acoob,
                              529. From Captain Donnell's letter, dated tho 26th Novombor 1840, it
                          appeared that two othor buglas belonging to tho Sheikh of Kishm were on
                          their way to Bombay, with horses, and that oflicor promised tho Sheikh that
                          if ho paid a sum of 113,255 on tho arrival of his two vessels in Bombay, and a
                          further similar amount, at tho expiration of ono month from tho date of tho
                          first payment, no molestation would bo offered to cither of tho vessels, and
                          that tboy would bo permitted to return to tho Gulf, or prococd to whatever
                          place the Sheikh might wish. Tho Chief promisod to pay accordingly and
                         further gavo Captain Hennell a bond for tho payment, on tho 26th May 18*11,
 i                       of tho remaining balanoe B7,867-7-5, and that officer stated that ho did not
                         anticipate any difficulty in tho realization of this last mentioned amount. In
  li>                    the letters from His Highness tho Imam forwarded with Captain Hennoll'a
                         letter, His Highness expressed himself to be very solicitous that Government
                         should authorize tho release of the Sheikh of Kishm's bagalow Acoob under
                         embargo in Bombay, on that Chief fulfilling the conditions to which ho had
                             530. In tho oircumstances the Governor in Council was pleased to remove
                         the embargo laid on the vessels of the Sheikh of Kishm, and to direct the
                         Collector of Customs to release the ship Acoob on payment by tho Sheikh’s
                         agent of the sum of BG,510 (letter to the Collector of Customs dated 19tfi
                         January 1811).
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