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286             Part VII—Chap. LXVI.
                        received by the Khan in tbo most honourable and distinguished manner, and
                        that it is reported that the influence of this nobleman had procured for Sheikh
                        Nasir a Firman from tbo Shall re-appointing him Lord High Admiral and Gov­
                        ernor of Bushire. Captain Hennell therefore observed that however gratified
                        ho should feol in carrying into offeot the abovo instructions of tho Right
                        Hon’blo tho Governor-General of India, to provide for tho comfort and security
                        of Sheikh Nasir, ho was too uncertain of tho Sheikh’s position to bo ablo
                        to communicate with him, or to make any arrangements calculated to promote
                        either ono or tho other of these objects, but that His Lordship might rest assured
                        that no favorablo opportunity of. carrying into offoct his benevolout views with
                        reference to the Sheikh would bo overlooked. That tho question of Sheikh
                        Nasir’s return to Bushire would probably soon bo decided and that should tbo
                        “Moatimed” obtaiu tbo object of his ambition, tho office of “Begler Beg of
                       Fars,” in succession to tho presont occupant of that high station, littlo doubt
                       can be entertained of tire restoration of Sheikh Nasir to tbo rank and
                       possessions so long held by bis ancestors.
                           662.  Adverting to the instructions of the Governor-General of India on tbo
                       subjeot of tbe preservation of the residence of Sboikh Nasir, Captain Hennell
                       stated that this dwelling which only consisted of an upper storey of three rooms,
                       was now used as a guard room by tbo British garrison (stationed on tbe small
                       fort in which it is situated as being the only habitable place inside that build­
                       ing during the hot season) and that Sheikh Nasir did not appear to have enter­
                       tained any great predilection for a residence in these quarters, further than as
                       being within the Fort, the security of himself, family and immediate followers
                       was better provided for, while the chance of any treacherous surrender of that
                       stronghold was guarded against by his constant presence inside.
                           663.  Captain Hennell’s letter dated the 26th August 1839, No. 75,
                       contained intelligence of a collision having taken place between the Prince
                       of Pars and the regular troops on one side and the citizens of Shiraz on the
                       other, on which occasion it was stated some lives were lost on the part of the
                       latter, and that both parties are in a state of siege. The Naranj Kella being
                       occupied by the Prince and tbe troops, while the rest of the city was in
                       possession of the insurgents.
                           In hh letter dated the 26th August, No. 76, Captain Hennell reported
                       that intelligence had on the same day reached Karrak that Sheikh Hussein (the
                       unoleof Sheikh Nasir) in conjunction with Bakir Khan, tbe Chief of Tungistun,
                       has expelled Mirza Mahomed Hossein, the Persian Governor of Bushire, from,
                       that town, and assumed the Government himself, and stated that as it was
                       well known that Sheikh Hossein while at Shiraz was intriguing for the office of
                       Dureya Begee, to the exclusion of the claims of his nephew Sheikh Nasir, the
                       general opinion was that he would oppose the latter, should he attempt under
                       present circumstances to act upon the Finnan he was reported to have
                       received from the Shah, nominating him to the Government of Bushire, and
                       that he would be supported in this opposition by Bakir Khan whose object
                       would appear to have been so to embroil matters in this quarter as to compel
                       the authorities of Shiraz to confer the Government of Bushire upon himself,
                       as the only person who possesses the means of maintaining any sort of tran-
                       quillity in that town and its vicinity.
                           With his subsequent letter dated the. 28th August No. 77, Captain
                       Hennell forwarded an official report from the Officer Commanding tho vessel
                       of war stationed in Bushire roads, confirming the intelligence of the forcible
                       deposition of Mirza Mahomed Hopseinfrom the Government of Bushire, by
                       8heikh Hossein and the assumption by the latter of the chief authority in that
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