Page 342 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 342

320          Part VIII—Chap. LXXVII.
                         The individuals entitled to the protection of tho British Residency arc all those who
                      reoeive pay oitber from tho Government or the Residont and his suite. Hajee Yacoob
                      Mahomed Ally Bundoriggy and Ilajcc Ghanum or tho ominont services they have rendered
                      tho British forces and tho consequent dogreo tlioy havo rondored themselves obnoxious to the
                      authorities of Bushiro are inoluded in this list as woll as tho Nokhada and crow of tho
                      monthly despatch boat.
                         Tho Residont howovor, aa far as lies in his powor, will take care that tho indemnity given
                      to tho inhabitants of Karrak by tho Shah bo not infringed. Copies of tho correspondence o f
                      Hor Majesty's Minister and tho Persian Government upon this subject will bo found in tho
                      lettor to Government, No. HI, in tho Socrot Department, datod the 26th November 1841.

                                 0.1. C. P. No. 1286 F.   31.8-06,-30.—W. G. B.

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