Page 50 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 50
Part II—Chap. X.
be employed when ho ohoso it. It bocamo therefore necessary to cause a
greater breach between them, and Captain Soton refused the indemnification
he offered insisting on Imam recovering the boat from the Swediand punishing
them for taking it, and ho was certainly well iuolined to it from a conviction of
the necessity of satisfying the English as we sot out a forco of five hundred mon.
The Swedi woro pursuod but escaped to Hasa uudor the Wahabi's shelter. The
Imam still held out tho indemnification and after what had hupponod it was
decidod to accept it. Nasir Swedi was now a Wahabi and separated by religion
from Soyyid Sultan.
70. With rogard to tho use of tho British flag the Imam's complaint
appeared to have been unreasonable, as the Arabs now went direct to Bengal
and purchased silks and other goods they formerly bought at Surat, when they
paid us a revenue now lost, and allowing his claim iu the fullest extent, it was
only the Surat goods Ohollaby usod to carry for Nejd, not the Basrah goods ho
had a freight on. Tho change was duo to tho road to llasa and Katif being
shut, and tho goods now going to Basrah and thence to Graino, not to any
change of system by tho English.