Page 56 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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                                                                            Part II—Chap. Xlli.
                           Government to tike the nocossary measures for this purpose. Ho   wrote to
                           Mr. Duncan on the 10th January 1805 as follows:—
               8<*T«t And Poll.   I havo the honour to acknowlodgo tho receipt of your official dispatch No. 32 under dntn
               Dept. Diary the 12th of Decembor 1804, coramunicntiug tho intelligence of tho doath of Seyud Soolta
               No. m of 1805, tho 1 maum of Muscat, and tho probability of tho succession of his sons bein"* disputed bv th*
               pp. 854-357.   brothers of the late I maum.                     °   1   /no
                              2.  I doom it to bo nocossary without delay to furnish you with instructions for your
                          guidanco in this event, with a view to tho preservation of the interests of the British
                          Government at Muscat, and to tho security of our trado in tho Gulph of Porsia, which may
                          bo exposed to hazard by tho establishment of a Power at Muscat, less favorable to those
                          interests, than tho Government of tho lato Imaum.
                             3. Tho existing engagements between tho Company and tho Jmaum of Muscat do not
                          iraposo on tho former any obligation to support the succession of tho sous of the late Imaum
                          to tho rights and power of thoir father; but tho naturo of the connection existing between
                          the Company and tho Imaum, and cemented by tho engagements concluded with that Prince
                          in tho year 1798 aud 1800, justify the interference of the British Government in support of
                          that candidate, whose pretensions shall appear to be founded on justice, provided that support
                          can be afforded without the hazard of involving the British Government in hostilities with
                          the State of Muscat.
                             4.  It is my desire therefore that every degreo of countenance and support bo afforded to
                          the 6ons of the late Seyud Sooltan which can bo effected through the means of the British
                          influence at Muscat, and without engaging in hostilities with tho opposing party.
                             5.  Should tho interests of tho brother of Soyud Sooltan prevail against those of their
                          nephews,it is nevertheless my wish to maintain with the ruling party at Muscat the same
                          relations of amity which subsisted with the former Government, aud I accordingly desire that
                          you will enjoiu tho Resident at Muscat, in tho ovont supposed, to cultivate harmony with the
                          successful candidates, and to endeavour by every means consistent with the dignity of the
                         British Government to conciliate their good-will.
                             6.  It will be desirable that the engagements concluded by Mehedee Ali Khan and Major
                         Malcolm with the late Imaum should be formally recognized by tho person who shall
                         ultimately succeed to the Government of -Muscat. With a view to secure the British interests
                         at Muscat under any result of tho contest for power among the relatives of Seyud Sooltan,
                         it is essontial that the British Resident at Muscat should be directed immediately to return to
                         that station.
                            7. I accordingly desire that you will immediately order Captain Seton to proceed to
                         Muscat, and that you will furnish him with instructions for the guidance of his conduct in the
                         spirit of this dispatch. Should any impediment however oppose Captain Seton's return at
                         the present moment, you will be pleased to select some other persons, properly qualified for
                         the trust, and direct him to proceed without delay on the execution of the prescribed duties.
                            8.  With a view to the maintenance of the British influence at Muscat under any issne
                         of the expected oontest, it is my desire that agreeably to tho engagements concluded by Major
                         Malcolm in the year 1800, a Residency on the part of the Company shall be permanently
                         established at that station, under the superintendence of a Civil or Military servant of the
                         Company of the establishment of Bombay.
              8ecret and Poll.   86. The Bombay Government issued the following instructions to Captain
              Dept. Diary
              No. 165 of 1805,   Seton on 3rd March 1$J5 :—
              pp. 968*976.  The communication made to you previously to your recent return from Surat will have
                         apprized you of the circumstances which render it desirable that you should resume your
                         duties as Resident at Muscat, as speedily as may be practicable, and I am now instructed to
                         convey to you instructions founded on order from His Excellency the Most Noble the
                         Governor-General, for the regulation of your conduot under tho recent change, in that
                         Government occasioned by the premature death of Seyud Sultan, an event requiring that
                         measures should be adopted for the preservation of the interests of the British Government at
                         Muscat and for the seourity of our trade in the Gulph of Persia, objects which (independently
                         of the events of the intermediate period) might be exposed to increased hazard by the establish­
                         ment of a Power at Muscat less favorable to those interests than tho Government of the
                         late Imaum.
                         #               *               ♦               *               *
                         *              *                                *
                            6.  With a view to the maintenance of the British influence at Muscat, under any issue of
                        the contest of power among the relations of Seyud Sultaun, it is intended that, agreeable to
                         the engagement concluded by Major Malcolm in 1800, a Residency on the part of the ompauy
                         shall be permanently established at that station, but, notwithstanding this intention it is not
                         meant, under the already experienced deleterious effects of the climate of Muscat on ropeav.
                        constitutions, to restrict you from returning to Bombay in the month of August nex or even
                        sooner should the state of your health require it.
                            7.  The most recent accounts from Muscat rendering it highly probable t a yon w
                         find the late Imaum’s son Salem in the exeroise of the powers of Government on yo r arnv
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