Page 302 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 302
12. At ti e request of Shaikh Salur-bin-Khalid, .inc! on his written promise to abide bj
the terms agreed on, the Agent then mediated between the parties, and peace was established
on the basis of Shargah renouncing the alliance of Umm-cl-Kawain.
13. In December the Chiefs of Itas-ol-Khaiinak and Shargali undertook a joint expedi
tion against Sliaam, a village wliicli had revolted. The place was attacked and looted, and the
people being unable to offer opposition solicited terms and agreed to pay an indemnity of
1,600 dollars, part of which was paid down at once.
14. The Chief of Bokha, having broken the maritime peace by proceeding with an armed
forco by sea, was written to and warned by the Residency Agent at Shargah.
15. Result of the pearl fishery on the hanks fished by tho Pirate Coast people last year
was poor, and 250 divers are said to have died from deep diving.
16. In January the Sultan of Muscat expressed apprehensions concerning the intentions
of the Chief of Abu-Dhabbi, Shaikh Zaid-bin-Khalifah, who, it was rumoured, intended to
raid the Batiaeli Coast; and the Residency Ageut at Shargah reported that Shaikh Zaid had
placed himself iu communication with the Sultan's enemies in the Sbarkiyeh with a view to
disturb the peace of Muscat territory. Subsequently, however, Shaikh Zaid disavowed any
intention of acting aggressively towards tho Sultan, and professed continued friendship for
His Highness Sayyid Turki.
17. In June a banian trader at Bahrein was assaulted by one of the sons of Shaikh
Muhammad-bic-Khalifah, who vras fined R 100 for tho offence.
18. Portions of Moharrag and Manameh were flooded by the sea during unosally high
tide?, and most of the houses along the 6C3-coast were destroyed.
19. Owing- to continued complaints about theft of cargo landed from mail steamer*,
Shaikh Isa has been urged and has promised to erect a landing-place and godowns for the
accommodation of merchandise.
20. In February 18S6 Mubammad-bin-Saud-bin-Fe) sal arrived at Bahrein on a visit tc
the Chief and remained about a month. After receiving presents he returned to Umra
Hawaiz on the mainland.
21. The result of the pearl fishery of Bahrein last season was unfavorable, compared with
that of the previous year.
22. The Chiefs of Bahrein maintained friendly relations with all their neighbours during
the past year.
23. In April, Ibn-Rashid attacked two sub-tribes of the Ejman who were encamped at
the waters of Owaineh to the north of El-Iiasa aud plundered their houses and cattle.
24. The Ejman tribe, having subsequently received reinforcements, pursued Ibn-Rashid,
and succeeded in recapturing some of their horses, and killing
others. This incursion by Ibn-Rashid is said to be due to
the Ejman tribe having some time ago attacked some people under his protection.
25. Jn November, the now Tarkish Governor of El-Hasa, Nazih Beg, arrived at Katif
from Basra to reLiev.e Said Pasha.
26. Said Pasha is considered to have been the ablest and most conciliatory governor
who has ruled ELHasa since its occupation by the Torks.
27. In April a boat bfllongingto 'W’akrah was wrecked off Foweyrat and her cargo of
dates plundered by the people of that place- No redress was
El-Kstr. •afforded. In May it was reported that tho Turkish gun-boat
Merrikh had arrived At Foweyrat, aud that the Captain had given a Turkish flpg to the in
habitants with orders to hoist it on Fridays.
28. The Mtrrikk afterwards proceeded to El-Bids.
29. Hl-fcelin g continued to exist hotweon Shaikh Zaid-bin-Khalifah and Shaikh Jaaim-bin
Tliani of El-Bida, and several raids took place on eithor side; both parties were reported
have made active preparations for hostilities, but no actoal collision occurred during