Page 215 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 215
residency and maskat political agency for the year iqoo-iool 03
sintrmtnl flowing tie Total Value of Principal Articles imported into the Ports on the Arab
Coatt of the Persian Gulf during th e years 1899, 1699, and 1900—continued.
1809. 1309. 1000.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Valu e.
Rs. Rs. Its.
India . • lfO talc* 3,760 100 bale* 8,960 100 bales 3,900
Persian Ports • ICO „ 6,630 160 „ 6,000 150 „ 0,000
Yarn and Ttcitl —
India . * • 100 cwls 6,r00 25 cwlfl. 1.600 25 cwta. 1,600
Portion Ports . 200 „ 12,000 200 „ 13,930 200 „ 13,980
Turkey • • 31,250 evts 1,87.600 32.000 cwts. 1,89,160 20.000 cwts. 80,000
Mnsknt . • 30,000 „ 1,22.000 35.000 „ 1,24,500 20,000 ,, 60,000
Bahrein . , 6,000 „ 20.000 6,000 „ 19,500 3.000 „ 12,000
Persian Ports • 30.U00 „ 1,80,000 35,000 „ 1,89,990 25.000 „ 1,00,000
Pate Juice—
Tnrkey • • 300 cwla. 750 200 owts. 1,600 150 cwta. 750
M&skat • • 250 „ 1,750 365 » 2,490 300 „ 1.600
Bahrein . • 100 * 760 100 „ 760 60 „ 250
Persian Ports • 300 „ 2,250 360 „ 1.960 300 „ 1,500
Drugs and Mbdicijtbs—
Persian Ports 100 • •• 100
Persian Ports • . 200 bottles 200 210 bottles 210 200 bottles 200
Persian Ports • •• • •• 225 • ft 225
Other tori* tf drugt, etc.—
India . . 20 owts. 703 20 owte 750 20 cwts. 750
Persian Ports . 400 „ 12,330 400 „ 12,600 400 „ 12,600
Dyeing isd Coloubiko
Persian Ports • 100 cwts. 20,000 102 cwts. 20.400 100 cwta. 20.000
Colour* and Points—
India • . • 100 dram* 600 102 drams 610 100 drama 500
Persian Ports • * 100 „ 600 102 „ 610 100 „ 500
Other torit qf dyeing, etc.
India • • . 150 cwts. 2.000 160 cwta. 2,100 160 owts.
Persian Ports • • 360 * 8,850 350 „ 8,850 350 „ 1,970
Maakst . . # • •• 1,600 1,600 • ••
Bahrein . . 600 • •• 600 1,800
Persian Ports . . • •• 7,000 7,035 ••• 7,000
Fbuits abd Viqitablxs— .
Pcrsisn Ports 160 cwta. 2,000 175 cwts. 2,606 175 ewts. 2,600
SaUint and Currant*—
Persian Ports . 200 cwts. 1,760 220 ewts. 1,995 200 cuts. 1,700
Other tortc Fruit*, etc.—
Haskat . 900 owts. 10,000 900 owls. 10,060
Bahrein . a 40 ,* 1,000 40 H 1.020 900 owts. 1*060
Persian Ports . 600 „ 16,000 460 „ 14,026 450 cwts. 14,250
Psrvisn Ports . 1,000 ewts. 1,000 600 owts. 900 900 owts. 900
Firewood— .
Maskat . 4.000 owts. 2,000 4.000 owts, 2,400
Porsian Ports , 8.000 H 4,000 8.000 I 4,b00 4.000 ewts. 2,400
8.000 „