Page 235 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 235
TABLE No. 16.
Statement thawing the total number and tonnage of vessels of each nation that entered at ell the
port* specified in the Persian Gulf,
8*111*0. Ft *. h. To7*U
No. of No. of Ton*, No. of
ViurU. Too*. Vcracla. ' exrla. Toot.
1898 189 2'».422 356 379,721 645 muo
British , 1899 282 20.278 300 ?G8 291 6>2 394.569
{ 1903 213 21026 321 384,039 694 *•8,664
1898 16 1,190 Ml 16 1.1 fO
French • 1899 16 1.280 • •• 16 1.280
{ 1900 11 920 • •• 11 920
1898 •. •
Austrian ! 1m99 • •• 2 3.107 2 3.107
1900 1 1.500 1 1,500
1898 1 1.203 l 1,203
Norwegian 1899 1 1.203 1 1,203
I 1900
1898 401 18 098 5 6.8C9 406 23,687
Turkish ! 1>99 431 21.256 4 6.078 435 2**.33S
1900 438 22,890 6 9,477 443 32.367
1898 349 9.4C4 3-13 9.164
Mask at . 1899 36* 10,-61 365 10,261
1900 263 8,195 • «•« 203 8,195
U98 715 19,076 715 19.076
Arab i£99 758 22,428 758 22,438
s 11K0 682 2!,831 6S2 21.834
1893 1,041 29.779 1.041 29.779
Persian . J»H9 1.173 36.105 1.173 30.165
i 1900 1.0/2 34,5;<o 1,072 34.595
1898 2,709 | 99.. 23 362 SsO.HC 3.0-1 4*4 .<45
Total 1S99 3.025 | 117.067 807 ! .-77,679 3 332 495.316
{ 1100 2,739 113 059 b27 3.«5,« 10 3.006 50^,075
TABLE No, 16.
Statement snowing the total number and tonnage of vessels of each nation that cleared from all
the ports specified tn the Persian Gulf,
Baiiiio, fcTKAlC. T-rr.v.
Ninos* litt.
No. of No. of Ton*. No of
Too*. \ ei«el*. Tec*.
178 18,018 S93 324.799 *71 342.817
British . 274 1:0,560 269 3; 9.2*5 633 345345
218 2-,495 2t2 334,689 630 357,184
12 950 1? 950
Freoeh . 13 1,040 13 l/'40
9 760 ••• 9 7oO
• ••
Austrian 1 WO 1 1,280
8 4,816 3 4*l«
1 1,203 1 1^«
Norwegian •... 1 1,203 1 UC3
• ••
♦ 417 16,480 5 6.889 42S 22^69
Turkish 430 20 940 4 6,078 434 28/>18
419 21.960 6 9,477 424 81,437
323 8,236 822 8-236
Mask at . 838 9.228 • M 838 9.223
252 7,775 ••• 262 7 7/i
654 17,761 654 17.761
Arab 603 19,674 ••• 503 19.674
660 19,850 650 19.860
649 26,226 • •• 649
Penlan . 1/58 81,185 1.068 26225
31, 86
1.044 83,414 • •9 1.044 83,411
2.432 86.671 9 331^91 2.781 418,561
2,716 10x,627 265 328,846 2081 435.171
2,623. 106,266 2U0 848513 2,818 45IJ65