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                     way up the Gulf. Sho proceeded to ICoweit on tho 19th, returning to Busbiro
                     on tho 23rd February and loft for Maskat on tho 27th.
        12. omoiai        Lieutenant-Colonel C. A. ltcmball was Resident throughout tho year.
                     Mr. W, S. Davis was First Assistant, lie left for India on transfer on tlio 24tli
                          Captain E. Wickham Uoro, I.M.S., Residency Surgeon, was relieved by
                     Captain Grant on the 1st April 1901, and proceeded on furlough to England
                     lie returned and resumed cliargo of his appointment as Residency Surgeon on
                     the 1st February 1902. Assistant Surgeon J. A. Lobo officiated as Residency
                     Surgeon from 5th July to 9th October, during Captain Grant's absence on
                     privilege leave.
        13. Changes      A Russian Consulate-General was established at Bushirc, M. Ovseenko, who
        among Foreign
        Representa­  was appointed to act as Consul-General, arriving to take up the appointment on
        tives.       the 17th September, lie held charge during the remainder of tho year.
                         M. Chaloin took up the appointment of French Vice-Consul on Gth August.
                         Dr. Reinhardt, Imperial German-Consul, was in charge of the German
                     Vice-Consulate during the year, lie proceeded to Shiraz for the summer and
                     returned to Bushire via Ispahan, Ahwaz and Mohammcrali towards the end of
                         Mr. Moesmann of Messrs. Hotz & Sons was acting Consul for the Nether­
                     lands throughout the year.
       14. Observa­      The results of the daily observations arc recorded in a tabular statement
                     marked Appendix A.
                                                   C. A. KEMBALL, Lieutenant-Colonel,
                                                           Officiating Political Be si dent in the
                                                                         Persian Gulf.
                         The 2lit Jj/ril 1902.
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