Page 375 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 375

residency and maskat political agency for THE YEAR 19OM002.  91

                                   TABLE No. 2.
          si atone n l showing the Total Value of Principal Articles imported into the Port of Bandar
                          Allas during the years 1S99, 1900, and 1901.
                                   1SW.             1900.           1P01.
                              Qnn.tltj.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.
                                        R«.              Re.             Rs.
           Arabia •                            100 head  1,863  120 head   3.670
           Ma-kut .            90 head  Y.800   56  M     i 15  407 „    11,076
           Coited Kingdom                                1.4-17            493
           India •   •                                   4.279           7,190
           Germany   •                                    188              50
           Ar-bia .   •                                    52              600

        Books   AND   Pointed
           United Kingdom                                        1 pkg.    30
           India *   •         S9 pkgs.  8,010  240 ptga.  5,464  40 pkga.  630
           Turkey •                                        36
           India              -1.200 caws  29,400
           Belgium                              695 cases  24,166  3,833 cases  23,090
           India                                26 cases  514

           India               436 cwta.  17.445 i  220 eases !  8.0S2  219 cwi*. '  9,5 »50
        Cuia and Coiu Rope —                         I
           India .   •         300 cwte.  3,750 .  72 case* ;  1,101  126 cwts.  2,000
        Cot ion Piece-goods -
          117/ife an,/ Grey Shirtings—
           United Kingdom     2.050 bdls.  11,89,995  8,596 cases  6.95.496   4.360 bJls.  11.69.6*8
           India .            1.7uO „  4.66,750  7,103 „  4,58 675   850 „  2,00.472
           Germany   .   •                      41 „     4,210
           Turkey ....                          43 „     4,557   1 bdl.     60
           United Kingdom      150 bales   90,000  522 cases  69,428     :
           India .   •         350 „    84.0TO
          Dyed Shirtings—
           India              2.0C0 bales  2,40.000
          Other sorts —
           United Kingdom      60 bales   4,995                943 bales   4.58.065
           India .             658 „   2,23,200                655 ,.   1,77,5:*0
           German?   .                                          23 „     20.S-7
           America   .                                           2         522

        Yabx and Twist —
           United Kingdom                     4.813 eavs   2.09,176  5.G63 ca.«ca   6,90,570
           India .            5,000 bales  8,75,010  6,807 .,  2,34,610  3*364  3,75,945
           Tut key .           400 owts.  1.200                          • ••
        Bsros and Medicine* —
           Inula   .   .   ,   160 outs.  1,200  • ••
           China   ,   ,   •                    74 cases  1*648          IM
                                                                         • M
           India   .   ,   ,   116 oaios  17,400  • ••   ft*     •••
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