Page 384 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
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                    yarn and twist, Rs. 1,000 ; charcoal, Its. 5,350 ; furniture, Its. 1,500 • cold
                    thread, Its. 3,725 ; wheat and barley, Its. 85,300 ; rice, Rs. 10,37,GD5 •/ hard-
                    ware and cutlery, Its. 30,275 ; mats and bags, Its. 2,000 ; metals, It3. 4,945 *
                    provisions, Its. 11,400 ; silk goods, Its. 0,7-10 ; species, Its. 2,180 ; soft su^ar
                    Its. 1,705 ; tallow, Its. 1,155 ; tea, Rs. 1,410 ; timber and wood, Rs. 5,200 •
                    watches and clocks, Rs. 2,950 ; shawls, Rs. 1,750 ; broadcloth, Its. 1,400*.
                    There was, however, a decline in wearing apparol, of Rs. 2,130 ; indi"0
                    Its. 2,200; gunny bags, Rs. 3,820; kcrosinc, Rs. 44,010; pearls, Rs. 1,01,500 •
                    perfumery, Its. 2,415; China and porcelain, Rs 3,400; and raw silk, Its, 5,250.*
                         Turkey sent ovor throe and threo-quarters lakhs of rupees* worth of mer­
                    chandise more than the preceding year, but hor trade still shows a decliuo of two
                    lakhs on 1899. The improvement was in cotton piece-goods, Rs. 12,100 •
                     fruit, Rs. 3,325 ; pearls, Rs. 3,SO,000 ; tallow, Rs. 2,435 ; wool, Rs. 1,050 ;
                     Abbas, Rs. 1,630 ; specie, Rs. 29,000. Horses declined by Rs. 14,000 ; cattle*
                     Rs. 1,435 ; coffee, Rs. 1,870 ; dates, Rs. 29,000 ; ghee, Rs. 4,150 ; shells,
                     Rs. 2,330; silk goods, Rs. 1,150; and broadcloth, Rs. 1,190.
                         Persia takes the third place in the exports to Bahrein, but her transactions
                    declined over half-a lakh of rupees. The decline is chiefly due to the restrictions
                     on the exports of grain which fell by Us. 2,43,40U. Cotton and yam also fell
                    by Rs. 12,800. An improvement occurred in animals of Rs. 3l00O; coffee,
                     Rs. IS, 100 ; cotton piece-goods, Rs. 0,600 ; kerosinc, 11s. 26,250 ; provisions,
                     Rs. 24,500 ; tallow, Rs. 3,500; and specie, Rs. 1,20,600.
                         Maskat’s trade with Bahrein shows a slight increase if Specie is excluded.
                     The Arab Coast shows a small decline, and Zanzibar has nearly lost its trade in
                    rafters for reasons previously given, and purchasers find British East Africa more
                     accessible to them. The number of rafters imported into the ports of the Persian
                     Gulf and Turkish Arabia is estimated at four thousand scores annually, and it
                     may be found advantageous to the Protectorate to encourage Arab sailing craft
                     calling at its ports for this article of commerce.
       Exports.          The exports have risen by Rs. 24,63,835 over those of 1900. They are,
                     however, Rs. 57,609 below the total for 1S99. The following articles of trade
                     show an improvement:—Horses, Rs. 4,555; canvas, Rs. 2,345; coffee, Rs. 37,705;
                     cotton pioce-goods, Rs. 41,325 ; date juice, Rs. 1,515; rice, Rs. 37,410;
                     pearls, Rs. 31,63,400 ; provisions, Rs. 2,GOO ; shark-fins, Rs. 7,640; shells,
                     Rs. 48,785 ; silk goods, Rs. 1,580; and timber and rafters, Rs. 2,715. On the
                    other hand, donkevs declined by Rs. 2,780; dates, Rs. 27,825; wheat and
                    barley, Rs. 1,15,030; hardware, Rs. 1,295 ; metals, Rs. 2,145; kerosine,
                     Rs. 28,580; tobacco, Rs. 3,810; and specie, Rs. 7,04,090.
                         JFcighls and Measures.—The measure employed in the bazaarr is a yard of
                    18-J inches. There is no liquid measure. The weights used aro as follows:
                            1 Miscal Shirazi •                            72 Tr. grains.
                            1 Mised Bar    •                         =   720 „   *
                            1 Rubaa                                  = 4 114 lbs. Ar.
                            1 Man     •    .                      • = 67*6 „ ,,
                            1 Refaa   •    •                      .  = 57'6 „ u
                         Exchanqe.—'The bill rates were less violent than usual and ranged from par
                    to 2*1 per cent., and at the highest rate transactions ware limited owing to the large
                    influx1 of specie. The rate of the Austrian dollar fluctuated between Rs. 140
                    to Rs. 151 to the hundred, hut the hulk of the business was dono at K8.14JL
                    The Turkish lira, of which a considerable quantity is used, passed at s.
                    to Rs. 14-8.
                        Freight.—Tho rates to India remained steady at the previous

                    for shells to Hamburg. In Doccmbor, owing to the            ^ jfa. 20-8
                                         se c ssi-zss:

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