Page 396 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 396


                       Statement shou t tig the Total Value of Principal Articles imported into the Port of Bahrein
                                        during the years 1899, 1900, and 1901—~continued.   n

                                                   lew.            1900.           1901.
                         I'llnclpal article# and principal
                         (Uuutrtci from which Imported.
                                             Qomtlty.  Vnlu*.  Qnantltj.  Value.  Qiiantll/.  Value.
                                                        R*.             iu.              Rs.
                       Shells (Motheb-o’-Peabl)—
                          Turkey             3,350 cwts.: 27,030   1,150 cwts.   21,150  64 cwt*   2.500
                          Arab Coast .   .   .  1,1 >0 „   9,750  277 „  3,235  20 „      800
                          Turkey .                                              5C0 cwla   S.400
                          Arab Coast •                                         1,390 cwts.  20,850
                        Oyter {linga-shtlls)—
                          Turkey ...                          1,870 cwts.   9,740   8,950 owta.  17.900
                          Arab Coast                          1,630 cwts.j  3.200   950 cwls  1,900
                       Silk ;raw)—                  f
                          India •           3»J lbs.   23,250  6,000 lbs.   43,000 • 4,900 lbs.  30,750
                          T arbor                       1,515  600 .,   4.200  1   620 „  4,310
                          Persian Ports       70 ,»   ;  5S5  100 „  :  2,800 j   370 „  2,590
                      Silk Piece-gooi>s —
                          India .           3,320 pieces   45.225   8.280 pieces:   83,360   9,505 picoes  90.300
                         Turkey             1.030 „    5,$20   1,830  ,, j  10,230 . 1.650 *   9,100
                          Persian Ports      S25 „      4,520  1.20*) *  6,190 I 910 „   4.670
                       Spices—                      s
                        Turmeric —
                          India .            675 cwts.  9,130  S04 cwts.)  14,470   960 cwta.  11,000
                        Ginger—                                      I
                          India .         . i Is- 3 cwts.  3,810  147 cwts.|  3,090  95 cwts.  2,375
                        Black Pepper—
                          India .         . j I* 13 cwts.  29,580  737 cwts.  29. ISO  913 cwls.  38,745
                        Other serfs >J Spins—
                          India           * '  1   : cwts.  3",3W  1,824 cwts.  27.5vO  1,000 cwts.!   21,00)
                          India .                       1,0-50          3,930            •1170
                          Turkey .                       150              120             230
                          Persian Pvits                  210              170             215
                      SCGAB -
                        Loaf—                                               !
                          India .             325 rwt-s !  5.100 j   ]**5 ewta.   2,665   110 cwls.   1.760
                          Persian Ports           n j   1.9S0 I  75 „   1/JdO «  2i0 n   2.750
                        Soft-                               l
                         India .             1,730 cwts j  57,930 i :  0,822 cwts.   76.045  7,490 cwls.   76,750
                         Pcisian Ports                         *-> ..    530    206 „    2,200
                        •S* i gar randy—                    i
                         India .   •          SZS cwl#.  Is, 135  719 cwt*.  10,135  705 cwU  9,370
                         India •              5S5 cwt*.'  12.210   085 cwts   12.935  537 ewta.   14.140
                         Turkey .             :<!7   1  3.5fl5 i   H35 „  6,365  320 .,   8 800
                         Persian Porta        206       3.600 !  300 „  6,940   385 w   10,3*5
                      Tea—                          I
                         India .                    !   3.015           7,300        !   8,970
                         Persian Ports                  1.740           1,890
                      Timber and Wood—                                               :
                        Planks and Beams—                                            !  32.600
                         India •   •   •               31,815           28,500
                        Bafters—                                                         3.200
                         India    •   •                 8,060           2,100        !  J 7.000
                         British East Afiiea.                   • M                      4.500
                         Zanzibar   •   •              26,700           7,200   • ••
                      Tobacco -
                         India •   •                    1.380            500    •••   i  12,600
                         Tuikey   •            21 cat*.   2,580  99 cwt a.  12,005   105 ewU  - • 35.000
                         Ma*kat   •          1,770 .,   72.570  1.30) „   32,2*0   1660 fl ;   1H,760
                         Arab Coast  .        M *      35.1UO  570 *    14,250   772 „   6.910
                         Persian Porta                 6,K5    295 ,    4,130 |  422 ^ '
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