Page 477 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 477

           (3) Bunder Abbas.—Captain W. G. Grey was H.B.M/s .Vice-Consul during
         the year. lie left in January to act as Consul at Maskat during Major Cox’s
         absence, and was succeeded by Captain Trevor.
             Mr. H. Whitby Smith was in political charge of the Mekran Coast during ix.—Persian
         the year.
             Sirdar Syed Khan has bcon reinstated as Chief of Gaih.
             Sixteen slaves wero manumitted during the year, of whom 7 took refugo at X--Blave
         Lingah and 9 at Bahrein.                                             Trado.
             Two piracies were reported to have occurred in the third week of August ZL—piracios.
         on the bar of the Sbatt-el-Arab. One of the pirated boats belonged to Koweit,
         and representations were made on behalf of Sheikh Mubarek to the local
             In February a sailing vessel belonging to Karachi was attacked and scut­
         tled 20 miles beyond the outer buoy on the Shatt-el-Arab, two of the crew-
         being killed and 400 baskets of dates and the ship’s gear taken. It is believed
         that the pirates had followed the ship down tho river and attacked her when
         she had got outside and out of sight of land. The Government of India have
         offered a reward of Rs. 1,000 for information which may lead to the discovery
         and conviction of tho offenders. .
             The following ships of His Majesty’s Navy visited the Gulf during the211-
         year :— H. M. S.S. Hyacinth (flagship), Argonaut, Fox, Fomone, Perseus,
         Sphinx and Lapio'nig. No Foreign ships of war visited the Gulf.
             Lieutenant-Colonel C. A. Eemball, C.I.E., wa3 Resident throughout the xm*—OQciai
         year.                                                       °        Changes.
             Captain Ycre de Yerc Hunt was First Assistant, and Captain de Vere
         Condon was Residency Surgeon.
             Herr Yen Mutius was Consul for Germany during the year. Monsieur xiv.-Forcign
         Chaloin was Vice-Consul for France and was also in charge of the Netherlands RepreseQtatlV0,
             Monsieur Ovseenko, the Acting Russian Consul-General, left Bushire
         towards the end of July, having been relieved by Monsieur Passek, who is  now-
         Consul-General for Russia.
             Messieurs Passek, Chaloin and von Mutius visited Shiraz during the
             The results of the daily observations are recorded in a tabular statement2V*—^Obserr *.
         maiked Appendix A,                                                   tor*•
                                              C. A. KEMBALL, LieuL\Col.,
                                                   Offg. Political Resident in the
                                                               Persian Oul/i
             Busuibi ;
         The April l$0t
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