Page 3 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
P. 3



                                                                                                                                   ' f
                                                        ACKNOWLEDGMENT s
                                                                                                                                   , I

   It                                  I am deeply endebted to all the missionaries
                             of the Arabian Mission of the Reformed Church in
                             America. (RCA) 3 _who gave so freely of their time to

                             share their experiences ana thoughts with me in
                             interviews in the Gulf shd back in the United                                                        , . .
                             States, 1 also wish to thank Miss Elsie Stryker\'

                            Dr, John Beardsley, Dr. leRoy Englehardt and the . .
                             staff of the Gardner A, Sage Library of the New
                             Brunswick Theological Seminary for helping me to
                             find my way around the RCA Archives and their                                                        • i
                             kind loan of the photographs reproduced between
                             pages 3 &4, 9 & 10, 15 & 16, 21 & 22, and 49 &                                                       , 1
                                                                                                                                  ! fc
                             50. I am also grateful to Mr. John Buteyn; for
                             his kind loan of papers from the RCA records in                                                      n
                             New York. But most of all, my thanks goes to                                                         .
                                                                                                                                  t •
                             Reverend and Mrs* Lewis R. Scudder, Jr;, who ad­                                                     If

                             vised me, encouraged me, and assisted me in every
                             way possible in the preparation of this thetis,’
                             from its inception in in 1972 to its final                                                  I
                             typing in New Brunswick in 1977.

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