Page 78 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
P. 78
ducted full parish programs using the Evangelical Church facil
i ities. The National Evangelical Church itself, although it
considers itself to he a sister church of the Reformed Church
in America, is completely independent. Until 1971, the Reformed
Church had subsidized the Rational Evangelical Church, but
since 1972 the constituent congregations had supported their
% own pastors and the Evangelical Church was no longer dependent
\ in any way upon Rev; York. 141
In all, the three Rational Evangelical Church congrega
; tions numbered about 1,200. The Arabic language Congregation
had about three hundred members. Its pastor, a Coptic Evan
gelical secunded from the Synod of the Rile to Kuwait, the
Rev. Yusef Abdul Roor, was president and treasurer of the
Rational Evangelical Church’s Common Council and lived in the
residence closest to the church. The English language Congreg
ation also had about three hundred members (50$ Indian, 20$
. ;
British, 20$ American, 10$ other) and a Reformed Church pastor,
recruited through Rev; York but selected, called and financed
by the local congregation, The pastor and his wife lived
in the parsonage built for the Calverleys in 1917 and acted
\ informally as the principal link between the Reformed Church
The third congregation,
and the Rational Evangelical Church,
! the Kuwait Town Maiayalee Christian Congregation, was composed
! of five constituent denominational groups numbering about
three hundred persons and sponsored two other congregations,
the Telegu and Tamil, which numbered about one hundred and
fifty members each. More simply put, the Evangelical Church