Page 12 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 12


               The latter two travellers contributed, with a consider­
            able number of publications, to the dissemination and con­
            solidation of knowledge about South and Southeast Arabia.
            A comparison with Wellsted’s descriptions makes two
            things clear:
            (1) the reliability of Wellsted’s observations, which has al­
                ready been emphasized and
            (2) the negligible changes that had taken place in the
                course of one century in this part of the world.
               Up to this point, only those results of Wellsted’s ex­
            peditions which are recorded in the first volume have been
            referred to. This is due above all to the fact that Wellsted’s
            writings on South and Southeast Arabia deal with an area

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               In: Journ. Royal Central Asian Soc. XVI, pp. 71—86.
              THOMAS, B. (1931): A journey into the Rub al Khali.—The
              southern Arabian Desert. In: Journ. of the Roy. Geogr.
              Soc. Vol. LXXVII, Nr. 1., pp. 1-37.
              THOMAS, B. (1931): A camel journey across the Rub al Khali.
              In: Journ. of the Roy. Geogr. Soc. Vol. LXXVIII, Nr. 3.
              THOMAS, B. (1932): Anthropological observations in South
              Arabia. In: Journ. of the Roy. Anthropol. Soc. Vol. 62.
              THOMAS, B. (1937): Four strange tongues from south Arabia,
              the Hadara group. In: Proceedings of the Brit. Academy, Vol.
              XXIII, London.
              THOMAS, B. (1938): Arab rule under the Al Bu Said Dynasty
               of Oman 1741—1937. In: Proceedings of the Brit. Academy,
               London, Vol. 24, S. 27-53.
             6  THESIGER, W. P. (1948): Across the empty quarter. In: Geogr.
              Journ. CXI (Jan.—Mar.) pp. 1—21.
               THESIGER, W. P. (1949): Travel on the Trucial Oman. In: Geogr.
               Mag. XXII. pp. 110-118.
               THESIGER, W. P. (1950): The Badu of southern Arabia. In:
               Roy. Central Asian Journ. Vol. XXXVII, P. I. pp. 53—61.
               THESIGER, W. P. (1950): Desert borderland of Oman. In: Geogr.
               Journ. CXVI (Oct.-Dec.), pp. 137-171.
               THESIGER, W. P. (1959): Arabian Sands. London, 326 pp.
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