Page 195 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 195
the Arabs, who had seen me remove them
from the small case I always carried with me,
formed a different opinion, and, after an
eager scramble, in which some of their fe
males joined, they were collected and
greedily devoured. In addition to human, I
had not unfrequently other patients to pre
scribe for—horses, camels, asses, and some
times cats. It is a mistake which Euro
peans, who have adopted this character,
have fallen into, not to do so, for an Arab
will never understand why, when you cheer
fully attend a slave, whose loss he can sup
ply for thirty or forty dollars, you should not
do so to animals which are of greater value
to them. It is all well enough with Euro
pean ideas, to speak of the superiority of the
human race over the brute species; but an
Asiatic will not understand why, if you
oblige him in one point, you should not do
so in the other. My practice proved very ex
tensive, and, if not travelling, the early part
of the day was thus occupied. I always car
ried with me a large quantity of pills made of
ambergris mixed with opium, and found, on
account of the stimulating property which