Page 20 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
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            stood, seen and used as a historical document. For the
            benefit of those who would like some supplementary cur­
            rent information during or after reading Wellsted’s “Travels
            in Arabia” and who aspire to a more comprehensive know­
            ledge of the history, people and nature of the country, into
            which they can then integrate Wellsted’s descriptions, the
            following selection of relevant literature is recommended:

            BLUME, H. (Ed. 1976): Saudi-Arabien. Natur, Geschichte,
                Mensch und Wirtschaft. Tubingen
            CARTER, J. (1977): Tribal Structures in Oman. In: Pro­
                ceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, Vol. 7,
                pp 11—68
            CHELHOD, J. (1970): L’organisation sociale au Yemen. In:
                 L’Ethnographie, N. S. 64, pp. 61—86
            DOSTAL, W. (1968): Die Beduinen in Siidarabien. Eine
                ethnologische Studie zur Entwicklung der Kamelhirten-
                kultur in Arabien. In: Wiener Beitrage zur Kulturge-
                 schichte u. Linguistik, 16, Horn—Wien, 199 pp.
            DOSTAL, W. (1972): Handwerker und Handwerkstechnik
                in Tarim (Siidarabien, Hadramaut), Gottingen, 124 pp.
            DOSTAL, W. (1974): Sozio-dkonomische Aspekte der
                Stammesdemokratie in Nordost-Jemen. In: Sociologus,
                N. F. 24, pp. 1-15
            FIENNES, R. (1975): Where soldiers fear to tread. London
            HOPWOOD, D. (Ed. 1972): The Arabian Peninsula; society
                 and politics. School of Oriental and African Studies . . .
                Nr. 8, London, 320 pp.
            KELLY, J. B. (1964): Eastern Arabian Frontiers, London
            KELLY, J. B. (1968): Britain and the Persian Gulf
                 1795-1880. Oxford
            KOPP, H. (1977): Al-Qasim. Wirtschafts- und sozialgeo-
                graphische Strukturen und Entwicklungsprozesse in
                 einem Dorf des jemenitischen Hochlandes. Wiesbaden,
                 47 pp.
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