Page 233 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 233
a similar manner while in charge of the same
fort, against an unexpected attack made by
the Sheikh of Sohar. The latter was passing-
on his road to Rostak, witli a body of about
two hundred men, without any apparent in
tention of acting against it, when he suddenly
turned, and brought the whole of his force
before the walls.
Though the Sheikh was absent, his place
was well supplied by this lady, who closed
the gates, collected the garrison, harangued
them, and finally made such good use of the
guns, which are mounted on the towers, that
after a stay of three days, and several in
effectual attempts to lead his troops again to
the assault, the Sheikh was obliged to abandon
his enterprise.
Report says that Sayyid Hilal feels the
greatest respect for, and stands in some awe of
this dame, without whose advice and concur
rence he undertakes nothing of moment.