Page 325 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 325

TRAVELS IN OMAN.                      COIL

                                                          CHAPTER XIX.

                                    Fruits of Oman—Oranges—Limes—Lemons—Introduction of
                                      the Lemon-tree into Europe—Tamarinds—Mangoes—Beauty
                                      of the Mangoe tree — Grapes—Wine—Plantains—Pumpkins
                                      —Figs, inferior to those of Turkey—Dates—Seed of Male
                                      Palm—Grain—Vegetables, tyc.— Wild Beasts—The Imam's
                                      Camel—Description—Food of the Camel—Value—Rate of
                                      Travelling—Burckhardt—Volney— Captain Burnes—Author's
                                      experience of Camel Travelling—Housings—Illustrations f
                                      Scriptural Quotations—Author in danger of being Shot—
                                      Imam's Horses—Value—Studs of Burka and Suweik—Asses,
                                      their sureness of Foot—Buffaloes—Oxen—Poultry—Birds—
                                      Bcdowin Sportsmen — Fish—Climate — Diseases—Arab Phy­
                                      sicians—Meteorology— Geological Features.

                                    Of oranges, limes  and lemons there are
                                    several varieties. Respecting the first, it may
                                    be sufficient to mention the sweet orange

                                    {Citrus cinensis) ; the Mandarine orange, so
                                    called in China and India; and a third

                                    sort, remarkable for the thinness and bright-
                                    yellow colour of its skin, and its superior

                                      * Large quantities of limes are dried in the sun, and exported
                                    to the Persian Gulf.
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