Page 42 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 42
Oman, which possesses claims not inferior in
interest to the other provinces, but deterred,
in all probability, by the known insalubrity of
its climate, and the supposed hostile character
of its inhabitants, no European traveller has
hitherto penetrated it, and its people, with
their country, remained wholly unknown to
us. In the prosecution of this project, I was
induced to hope that the political relations
between its liberal and enlightened ruler and
our own government were of such a nature as
to leave little doubt but that he would afford
every facility in his power to the object of the
mission. After obtaining the necessary per
mission for this purpose, I passed a few days
in procuring the requisite letters * and pre
sents, and on November 9th, 1835, embarked
on board a small schooner (the Cyrene), for
* The following is a copy of one of these Official Documents :—
Persian Department No. 17, o/'1835.
These are to certify, that Lieutenant Wellsted is proceeding,
with the sanction of the Right Honourable the Governor in Coun
cil of Bombay, through various parts of Arabia, and all those who
are desirous of maintaining the friendship of the British Govern
ment are requested to show him every attention and civility.
By order of the Right Honourable the Governor in Council,
W. H. Wathen, Sec. to Government.
Bombay Castle 7th November 1835.
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