Page 49 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 49

10                 TRAVELS IN OMAN.                      [CH.

                       this town may be found in the pages of

                       Niebuhr, Hamilton, and others, but they
                       mostly refer to a remote period, and are now,

                       from the great change which its condition
                       and commerce have experienced under its

                       present ruler, scarcely applicable to it. I
                       shall, therefore, give the result of my own

                       observation and inquiries at some length.
                          It would appear that the ancient geogra­

                       phers * were acquainted at an early period
                       with the position of Maskatf. It was pro­

                       bably Moscha, a port of the Hadramitae,
                       mentioned by Ptolemy : noticed also by

                       Arrian, in the Periplus of the Erythrean
                       Sea, as the grand emporium of the trade

                       between India, Persia, and Arabia. But,
                       notwithstanding this testimony, Maskat does

                       not appear to have been a place of very
                       considerable commercial importance until

                        the Portuguese took possession of the town
                        in 1508, and converted it into an interme­

                        diate port, where their ships might obtain
                        supplies and refreshments in the passage

                        between their Indian settlements and that
                        on the Island of Ormuz in the Persian Gulf.

                         * Geographa, lib. vii. cap. G, p. 153. + Edrissi writes it
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