Page 65 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 65

26                 TRAVELS IN OMAN.                      [CH.

                                                     CHAPTER III.

                              Excursion to the Hot Springs of Imam All—Cove of Maskat—
                                Heat—Glassy surface of the Sea —The Laughing Gull—Visit
                                on board a Bagaid — Singular appearance of her Crew —
                                Songs — Music — Dancing — Remarkable Echo — Scenery—
                                Matarah — Population—Arab Women—Bedowins—A Village
                                — Watch Dogs—Caravanserai—Description of the Springs—
                                Irrigation—Height of the Thermometer—Fine Climate—Re-
                                turn to Maskat.

                              November 23rd. Having obtained from his
                              Highness this morning an officer to accom­

                              pany me, I set out on a visit to the hot
                              springs of Imam Ali, which are situated on

                              the sea-shore, about seven hours to the west­
                              ward of the town. Although the cool season

                              was so far advanced the day proved exces­
                              sively sultry, and when we pushed off in our

                              boat for Matarah, notwithstanding a fresh
                              breeze was prevailing outside, yet within the

                              cove it was a perfect calm, and the heat

                              thrown off from the sides of the mountains,
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