Page 82 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 82
by different tribes. They are very com
pactly constructed with the branches of the
date palm, are airy and spacious, and, as the
streets are kept very clean, the whole wears
a neat and pleasing appearance. There are
no shops here, the bazar being situated about
a mile and a half from the beach, where a
considerable number of the inhabitants re
side. Thither, accompanied by its Sheikh,
who had been sent for directly intelligence
was received of my arrival, I set out, and
was much gratified at finding when I reached
the village that my tent was pitched in a
delightful spot, and that guards had been
placed, and every precaution taken for the
safety of my baggage. Here I was to remain
until camels and guides could be collected for
my journey.
A daily market is held on this spot, at
which grain, fruit, and vegetables are ex
posed for sale. The houses, though small, are
strongly built of stone and cement, and the
largest and best are occupied by the Banians
and people from Cutch, who monopolise a
considerable share of the trade. On the west
quarter there is a large fort, mounting a few