Page 94 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 94
Uziz was beaten back at Bediali, their best
efforts were necessary to prevent their total
annihilation; but, continuing to temporise
until they had erected a very strong fort,
they, in return, became the aggressors, and,
after carrying fire and sword into every part
of the neighbouring district, became so for-
midable, that they were soon left in undis
puted possession of their own and several of
the neighbouring districts.
At a later period, several attempts were
made by the Imam to dislodge or destroy
them, but all his exertions proving ineffectual,
in 1821 he made a requisition for assistance
to Captain Thompson, who, after the fall of
Ras-el-Khaimah, in the preceding year, had
been left with a small force of eight hundred
men, principally sepoys, at the Island of
Kishm * Under an impression that some
portion of the tribe had been engaged in ex
tensive acts of piracy, that officer immediately
dispatched a messenger with a letter of re
monstrance to them, but he was massacred
almost as soon as he landed. Captain Thomp-
* See Captain Thompson’s Report, dated 18th November, 1820.
—Asiatic Journal, vol, xi. p. 593.