Page 22 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands
P. 22


                Bahrain Petroleum Company made available copies of water well boring logs and
                stimulated my interest in the geology of Bahrain.   Mohammed Ayub and Jeff
                Garden of the Bahrain Department of Agriculture pointed out important
                agricultural and groundwater problems on the islands.
                         I also wish to acknowledge the help of the late Sheikh AbdT Aziz bin
                 Mohammed al-Khalifah, former Minister of Education for the State of Bahrain for
                permission to conduct my field studies. At the time of my visit, Abdul-Kader al-
                 Tekriti was Director of Antiquities. He made available transportation when needed
                and furnished his knowledge of the local archeology. Thanks are also due to the
                 staff of the Bahrain Museum. In particular, my friend Fayez Tarawneh gave much
                 needed moral support and made me feel a part of his family. Friends from the
                 villages of Karbabad and Karrana should also be acknowledged. Special thanks are
                 owed Patricia and Martin Gibbs and Carol and Ron Duncan who made me welcome
                 during my stay.
                         Portions of this research were facilitated by my participation in the Saudi
                 Arabian archeological survey of 1976, which was made possible by Abdullah H.
                 Masry, Director of Antiquities of Saudi Arabia, and Robert McC. Adams. This
                 work gave me much-needed exposure to the larger cultural universe to which
                 Bahrain is related. While in Saudi Arabia I was helped by Marney Golding, Juris
                 Zarins, and Conni Piesinger. An analysis of gastropod faunas from Bahrain was
                 done by Steven Lintner.    Radiocarbon dating of Saudi Arabian sedimentary
                 sequences was provided by the Saudi Arabian Department of Antiquities. Karl W.
                 Butzer, McGuire Gibson, Robert McC. Adams and Henry T. Wright read an early
                 draft of this manuscript and made many helpful comments. It is also appropriate
                 to acknowledge Doreen Banks who typed the original manuscript for this work, and
                 Barbara Barkes, who aided me throughout the preparation of the final manuscript.
                         Iam most grateful to my wife Judy for her help and patience throughout
                 the course of this study. She and our sons, Kyle, Ian, and Andrew, spent long
                 periods without husband or father while I was in the field or in my study. Finally, I
                 wish to thank my brother Leonard and my mother Leora for all manner of help to
                 me  and my family during each phase of this research.
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