Page 500 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 500


              (f) New Refinery storehouse.

                        Yfith the enlarged refining facilities installed
              during the last two years increased storehouse equipment
              was necessary.    To fill this requirement, a new
              98' x 204* storehouse was started in the latter part of
              1945 and should be completed early in 1946.
              (g) Additional Generator - No.2 Power Plant.
                        An additional 3,000 JOY. generator purchased
              in connection with the increased operating facilities
              is in the process of installation and should be avail­
              able for use early in 1946. With the completion of
              this unit the total rated nominal electric power capa­
              city will be 14,000 KW.
              (h) Causeway.

                        The new 30* width causeway which was indicated
              in last year's report as being built to a point about
              13,000 feet offshore was placed into operation before
              full completion in order to utilize it in connection
              with the new wharf construction. Also during the latter
              part of the year it was used to great advantage in con­
              nection with a 6,500 ton cargo of bulk coke and three
              full cargoes of drummed products from the drum plant.
             As intimated above, the causeway construction is not
             yet complete, a certain amount of dirt and rock fill
              still b*eing required to bring the roadway up to speci­
              fied elevation before final grading can be completed.
              (i) New ’Tharf.
                        Turing 1945 construction of a new 4 berth
             wharf was started, located about 18C0 feet beyond the
             pierhead terminus of the- new causeway and connected to
             it by an elevated trestle capable of full scale truck
              traffic. It is expected that the south end will be
             ready for receipt of incoming cargo in January 1946 and
              that all construction will be complete for full opera­
              tion about inarch, 1946. With the completion of these
             facilities and the new loading pumps at Jitra, it should
             be possible to finish any bulk oil shipment in 24 to 36
             (j) Camp Facilities.
                        The growing Company facilities and increased
             personnel have necessitated extensions to the Awali
             village. A new housing area has been laid out and six
             new two-bedroom and eleven new three-bedroom air cooled
             houses have been built and twenty two-bedroom houses
             are in the course of construction. A new sewage pump­
             house was also constructed in this area. The Awali
             storehouse office was found to be inadequate and was
             extended during the year.
             (k) Personnel#

                        The following gives a summary of the personnel
             employed by the Company on their regular operations and
             on additional construction work during the year:-
   495   496   497   498   499   500   501   502   503   504   505