Page 508 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 508

                  (vii) Official Visits.
                        The Political Agents visited Qatar twice
            during the year. The first visit was by J'r. C.J.PELLY,
            O.B.E., I.C.S., during April in the P.C.L. launch
            "GHAZAL” and the second in November by Lieutenant-
            Colonel A.C. GALLOT/AY, O.B.E., accompanied by the
            Senior Naval Officer, Persian Gulf, in H~II.SU
                 (viii) Health.

                        There are no doctors or medical facilities
            in Qatar. Sanitation is most primitive and as a result
            the health of the community is not of a high order.
            Malaria is most insidious. Fairly prevalent too are
            dysentery, syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis. =>nall-
            pox appears from time to time. Dr. Steele, the Agency
            Medical Officer, paid a visit to Qatar at the request
            of the Sheikh late in November. As news spread of
            the arrival of the Medical Officer people streamed
            in from the country-side to be treated. After 4 days
            the doctor returned, his supply of drugs having given
            out. Many people had to return home disappointed.

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